Outside Caracus on the hillside there are people living in shanty towns. Why is this, since Venezuela is rich? Couldn't the government do something about this?If Venezuela is so rich due to it's oil industry, then why are there still people living in shanties?
Any country you go to, rich or poor, has people living in shanty towns not just Venezuela. Only God's Kingdom can really solve that problem and others permanently.If Venezuela is so rich due to it's oil industry, then why are there still people living in shanties?
Like most places, the power and wealth is concentrated in a few people and organizations. It's not illegal, but then the world is not fair
Like anywhere else in the world, people have grown cold to the circumstances of others, and have become self absorbed. I once visited a casino area (Atlantic City) and was disgusted to see the poor and wealthy separated by the length of a two-way street.
This question sounds so innocent :P
Its because Caracas grew fast and it wasnt ready for such a growth, there was no or little planning done for that.
Many goverments didnt cared..................they cared on stealing the bigger ammount of money they could %26lt;.%26lt;.
Actually there are plans to aid these barrios
Read my answer to the question about the origin for further details :)
Mismanagement, political immaturity and poor institutions.
Too much corruption.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?
Gas prices are out of control. I want to take a stand and make a change, but I don't know how to do it. Good ideas are always welcome, and I bet alot of you are thinking the same thing. So lets band together and do this!How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?
By saving as much as you can. By refusing to buy and drive gas-guzzling vehicles, by thinking before using your car, and by always buying at the cheapest price available. If everybody did that, the problem would be halved, but unless you citizens get your gouvernment to stop the war in Iraq and to stop threatening Iran, the price of oil will be higher than it would be otherwise.How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?
But cbjack is dead right. Report Abuse
The only thing we can really do is to stop using anything produced with oil. That would include all of the gas for our cars, buses, airplanes, household appliances, etc. Oil prices are so high because they can be. Unless you're willing to give up everything and live as the cavemen did, there's not really anything we can do about it.
You listen to the whining socialists to much. The oil companies make about a 10% profit. Typical for corporations. The big money is going to the OPEC countries, not our own oil companies. That 10% profit of our oil companies is given to the stockholders. Individuals and pension funds. Want to hurt retired people? Mad at people who invest for their own future? Get mad at OPEC and at the speculators who are the ones actually driving up the price of oil. And get mad at the environmental wackos who have prevented the USA from drilling for our own oil and from building new, more efficient refineries.
The only way to lower the price is for government to take over the oil industry. That is socialism. That will result in shortages and even making gas impossible to buy like in Russia. Better we have expensive gas than no gas.
how do you know that the worlds biggest energy fields/reserves (ie Russian) are not driving the rises in oil prices and getting you to beleive the al qaida man on the streeet is responsible? because they hated the afgans ever since they went to war with them. So in effect perhaps your fighting Russia's battles for them like you did in ww2.
For one thing, if you want oil prices to go down, perhaps you should start creating your own oil
The U.S. is rich in natural resources, and there's no telling how much oil can be found in places like Montana
Everytime someone wants to build a refinery, the enviroment groups go absolutely insane.
change in government.
boycotting even for just aweek in certain places.
';going green';
demanding answers.
How conceited.
The whole WORLD is paying too much for Oil , thanks to America. Food prices are rocketing as a direct result.
I don't want to. I have gold shares to keep in tact!
ha ha ha ha .. you tickle me!
By saving as much as you can. By refusing to buy and drive gas-guzzling vehicles, by thinking before using your car, and by always buying at the cheapest price available. If everybody did that, the problem would be halved, but unless you citizens get your gouvernment to stop the war in Iraq and to stop threatening Iran, the price of oil will be higher than it would be otherwise.How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?
But cbjack is dead right. Report Abuse
The only thing we can really do is to stop using anything produced with oil. That would include all of the gas for our cars, buses, airplanes, household appliances, etc. Oil prices are so high because they can be. Unless you're willing to give up everything and live as the cavemen did, there's not really anything we can do about it.
You listen to the whining socialists to much. The oil companies make about a 10% profit. Typical for corporations. The big money is going to the OPEC countries, not our own oil companies. That 10% profit of our oil companies is given to the stockholders. Individuals and pension funds. Want to hurt retired people? Mad at people who invest for their own future? Get mad at OPEC and at the speculators who are the ones actually driving up the price of oil. And get mad at the environmental wackos who have prevented the USA from drilling for our own oil and from building new, more efficient refineries.
The only way to lower the price is for government to take over the oil industry. That is socialism. That will result in shortages and even making gas impossible to buy like in Russia. Better we have expensive gas than no gas.
how do you know that the worlds biggest energy fields/reserves (ie Russian) are not driving the rises in oil prices and getting you to beleive the al qaida man on the streeet is responsible? because they hated the afgans ever since they went to war with them. So in effect perhaps your fighting Russia's battles for them like you did in ww2.
For one thing, if you want oil prices to go down, perhaps you should start creating your own oil
The U.S. is rich in natural resources, and there's no telling how much oil can be found in places like Montana
Everytime someone wants to build a refinery, the enviroment groups go absolutely insane.
change in government.
boycotting even for just aweek in certain places.
';going green';
demanding answers.
How conceited.
The whole WORLD is paying too much for Oil , thanks to America. Food prices are rocketing as a direct result.
I don't want to. I have gold shares to keep in tact!
ha ha ha ha .. you tickle me!
What is the best effective method to treat water effluents in palm oil industry?
Aerobic treatment of palm oil mill effluent
K. Vijayaraghavan, a, , Desa Ahmada and Mohd Ezani Bin Abdul Aziza
aDepartment of Biological %26amp; Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Received 7 February 2005; revised 28 November 2005; accepted 29 November 2005. Available online 3 April 2006.
In this study treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) was investigated using aerobic oxidation based on an activated sludge process. The effects of sludge volume index, scum index and mixed liquor suspended solids during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase were investigated in order to ascertain the reactor stability. The efficiency of the activated sludge process was evaluated by treating anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME obtained from Golden Hope Plantations, Malaysia. The treatment of POME was carried out at a fixed biomass concentration of 3900卤200 mg/L, whereas the corresponding sludge volume index was found to be around 105卤5 mL/g. The initial studies on the efficiency of the activated sludge reactor were carried out using diluted raw POME for varying the hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30 and 36 h and influent COD concentration, viz: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg/L, respectively. The results showed that at the end of 36 h of hydraulic retention time for the above said influent COD, the COD removal efficiencies were found to be 83%, 72%, 64%, 54% and 42% whereas at 24 h hydraulic retention time they were 57%, 45%, 38%, 30% and 27%, respectively. The effectiveness of aerobic oxidation was also compared between anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME having corresponding CODs of 3908 and 3925 mg/L, for varying hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 h. The dissolved oxygen concentration and pH in the activated sludge reactor were found to be 1.8鈥?.2 mg/L and 7鈥?.5, respectively. The scum index was found to rise from 0.5% to 1.9% during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase.
2.POME treatment technology
During the processing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB), water is the most needed resource. To process one tonne of FFB, typically 1.5 m3 of water is used (Industrial Processes and The Environment Handbook No.3, 1999). Out of this
amount, 50% will be released as POME and the rest of the water is lost as steam and boiler blow down, wash waters and leakage.Based on the statistical value of total crude
palm oil production in May 2001, the production of 985,063 tonnes of crude palm oil means a total of 1,477,595 m3 of water was used, and 738,797 m3 was released as POME, in that month alone. Without proper treatment, this wastewater
will pollute watercourses receiving it. The current treatment technology of POME typically consists of biological aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Biologically treated effluent is
disposed of via land application system, thus providing essential nutrients for growing plants.This method may be a good choice for disposal of treated effluent. However, considering the rate of daily wastewater production, for example,approximately 26 m3 per day for an average palm
oil mill with an operating capacity of 35 tonnes FFB per day, it is doubtful that the surrounding plantations receiving it could efficiently absorb all the treated effluent.Another new technology under research is the zero waste evaporation technology. By evaporating the POME, water can be recovered while the residual solid content can be utilized as fertilizer.Although this method reclaims about 80% of water from POME, a major drawback is the high energy requirement (Ma, 1996).Since the ultimate goal of wastewater management is towards zero discharge, the best wastewater treatment scheme is inevitably a treatment
that allows 100% reuse and recycling of wastewater.If one considers the volume of water needed by the crude palm oil milling industry, the practice of releasing treated wastewater without further reuse in-house is a wasteful exercise.
Another alternative to minimize fresh water and energy consumption is to reuse wastewater directly from the final treatment pond. This could be as feed water for boiler or hydro cyclone. However,if this is the solution, a higher quality of treated water is required especially when it is to be used
as boiler feed water. The current treatment system of anaerobic followed by aerobic degradation is not capable of producing such high quality treated effluent.
duce higher quality effluent is through the use of membrane technology at the tertiary treatment stage. Membrane treatment is capable of providing a highly efficient treatment, requires minimal energy, and does not introduce any additives to the waste stream.There are many membrane process applications on water and wastewater treatment that has proven to be efficient. Membrane technology covers a large spectrum of separation techniques,ranging from reverse osmosis to microfiltration.Among the various membrane processing technologies,ultrafiltration offers an attractive option for wastewater treatment. It is a low pressure-driven membrane process retaining most effectively
macromolecules sized within 0.001 鈥?0.02 飩祄.
Although the biologically treated POME is already low in biodegradable organic contents, it still possesses significant amount of persistent cellulosic materials and oily residues that usually occur in the form of macromolecules.With membrane ultrafiltration, these molecules could be separated from the waste stream thus producing a higher quality effluent. In this research project, a study has been carried out to examine the feasibility of using membrane ultrafiltration for the final treatment of POME extracted
from the aerobic treatment pond. The general objectives are to
(i) Evaluate the effectiveness of membrane
ultrafiltration of treated POME and
(ii) Investigate the possibilities of water reuse and water recycling of the membrane-filtered treated POME.
The experimental part of this study followed the sequence as shown below:
Sample collection
An adequate quantity of sample was collected from a palm oil mill. A portion of the raw sample was preserved and the characteristics of the raw sample were analysed.
(i) Pre-treatment of samples Three types of pre-treatment were applied separately to compare the effectiveness of
each treatment. These treatments were:
A) Filtration
B) Centrifugation
C) Coagulation
(ii) Stirred-cell ultrafiltration
After pre-treatment, samples were ultrafiltered using a bench-scale stirred cell ultrafiltration unit (Spectrum Molecular/Por Stirred Cell-Model No.20062). The membrane material used
was 76-mm Spectrum Cellulose Ester Disc with
MWCO of 5000. A few aspects were studied.
The following parameters were investigated:
a) Pure water flux
Pure water flux characteristics for the membrane was obtained by filtering deionised water at an increment of every 1 bar of transmembrane pressure (from 1 bar to 7 bar).
b) Sample Flux
Flux for each pre-treated sample was obtained for comparison purpose. The flux was observed in the range of 1 bar to 7 bar of transmembrane pressure.
c) Variation of pH value of sample In order to investigate the effect of pH value on rejection characteristics (COD, total solids,suspended solids, ammoniacal nitrogen, total
nitrogen and colour), ultrafiltration of filtered and
centrifuged samples were conducted at two different
pH values at transmembrane pressures of 4.5 bar and 7.0 bar. The two pH values were pH 8 (original value of effluent) and pH 2.2 (pH at iso-electric point of cellulose membrane)(Bowen and Clark, 1984).
Ultrafiltration of the sample that was pretreated with coagulation technique was lastly carried out at the pH value that gave better rejection characteristics on the filtered and coagulated samples.
d) Variation of transmembrane pressure To study the effect of pressure on rejection characteristics, samples pre-treated using filPalm oil mill effluent (POME) filtration and centrifugation methods were ultrafiltered at 2 different values of TMP. Duplicate runs for each sample at TMP of 4.5 bar and 7.0 bar were undertaken. The TMP that gave the
better rejection characteristics was then applied for
ultrafiltration of the sample that was pre-treated using the coagulation technique.
(iii) Characteristic analysis of samples In order to evaluate the efficiency of membrane ultrafiltration, selected parameters were chosen to characterize the various samples
(raw, pre-treated and permeate). These parameters
are of great importance for effluent characterization
and the values need to meet the level of statutory discharge limits in the Environmental Quality Act (Prevailing Effluent Discharge Standards for Crude Palm Oil Mills, 1984) before being released into watercourses. The parameters are
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammoniacal
Nitrogen (AN), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN),
suspended solids (SS), turbidity and colour.
Results and Discussion
To study the overall treatment efficiency of pre-treatment followed by ultrafiltration, a comparison between untreated and treated sample is necessary.
a) Filtration 鈥?ultrafiltration pretreatment From Figure 1, it is clear that the filtration-ultrafiltration system was able to bring down parameter measurements extensively. Suspended
solids, turbidity and colour content were the best.
treated parameters, with percentage removal reaching 99.2%, 7.9% and 98.2% respectively.COD level was reduced to less than 200 mg/L from the original 1336 mg/L. Total nitrogen concentration was 25.4 mg/L after treatment, showing a 78.8% reduction. Ammoniacal nitrogen only
recorded a 5.8 mg/L improvement, equivalent to 21.3% percentage reduction.
b) Centrifugation 鈥?ultrafiltration pretreatment
For centrifugation-ultrafiltration system,as shown in Figure 2, the final quality of the treated sample was not as remarWhat is the best effective method to treat water effluents in palm oil industry?
Turning palm oil waste into drinking water
NIBONG TEBAL: While Singapore has NEWater, which is waste water that has been purified, Malaysia may soon have drinking water from palm oil waste.
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has scored another first by inventing a system which can turn palm oil waste into drinking water.
USM School of Chemical Engineering鈥檚 dean Professor Abdul Latif Ahmad鈥檚 invention is called the ';novel membrane-based treatment system'; which turns palm oil mill effluents (POME) into crystal clear drinking water.
The environment-friendly technology is set to reduce water pollution as it will help ensure zero discharge of palm oil waste into rivers.
';This invention is an innovative and cost-effective way of preventing sludge from making its way into the rivers and polluting them,'; Abdul Latif said.
At the School of Chemical Engineering in the USM Engineering campus here yesterday, Abdul Latif said he had been working on the project for the past 10 years with a RM500,000 grant provided by Yayasan Felda.
He said the system would help in ensuring a sustainable development of the palm oil industry as it emphasises zero discharge. He said most palm oil mills used the conventional method of treating palm oil waste with the biological treatment system.
';This system uses bacteria to eat and digest the dirty substances in the palm oil waste, which is not really effective as the waste is still murky when released into the river.';
He said his invention only required four steps to treat the waste before it became clean enough to drink.
He said his team of researchers managed to design and set up a membrane pilot plant locally at a cost of RM150,000.
';It is not only cost effective but also uses Malaysian technology,'; he said, adding that a similar pilot plant designed and fabricated overseas costs more than RM500,000
K. Vijayaraghavan, a, , Desa Ahmada and Mohd Ezani Bin Abdul Aziza
aDepartment of Biological %26amp; Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Received 7 February 2005; revised 28 November 2005; accepted 29 November 2005. Available online 3 April 2006.
In this study treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) was investigated using aerobic oxidation based on an activated sludge process. The effects of sludge volume index, scum index and mixed liquor suspended solids during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase were investigated in order to ascertain the reactor stability. The efficiency of the activated sludge process was evaluated by treating anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME obtained from Golden Hope Plantations, Malaysia. The treatment of POME was carried out at a fixed biomass concentration of 3900卤200 mg/L, whereas the corresponding sludge volume index was found to be around 105卤5 mL/g. The initial studies on the efficiency of the activated sludge reactor were carried out using diluted raw POME for varying the hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30 and 36 h and influent COD concentration, viz: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg/L, respectively. The results showed that at the end of 36 h of hydraulic retention time for the above said influent COD, the COD removal efficiencies were found to be 83%, 72%, 64%, 54% and 42% whereas at 24 h hydraulic retention time they were 57%, 45%, 38%, 30% and 27%, respectively. The effectiveness of aerobic oxidation was also compared between anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME having corresponding CODs of 3908 and 3925 mg/L, for varying hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 h. The dissolved oxygen concentration and pH in the activated sludge reactor were found to be 1.8鈥?.2 mg/L and 7鈥?.5, respectively. The scum index was found to rise from 0.5% to 1.9% during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase.
2.POME treatment technology
During the processing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB), water is the most needed resource. To process one tonne of FFB, typically 1.5 m3 of water is used (Industrial Processes and The Environment Handbook No.3, 1999). Out of this
amount, 50% will be released as POME and the rest of the water is lost as steam and boiler blow down, wash waters and leakage.Based on the statistical value of total crude
palm oil production in May 2001, the production of 985,063 tonnes of crude palm oil means a total of 1,477,595 m3 of water was used, and 738,797 m3 was released as POME, in that month alone. Without proper treatment, this wastewater
will pollute watercourses receiving it. The current treatment technology of POME typically consists of biological aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Biologically treated effluent is
disposed of via land application system, thus providing essential nutrients for growing plants.This method may be a good choice for disposal of treated effluent. However, considering the rate of daily wastewater production, for example,approximately 26 m3 per day for an average palm
oil mill with an operating capacity of 35 tonnes FFB per day, it is doubtful that the surrounding plantations receiving it could efficiently absorb all the treated effluent.Another new technology under research is the zero waste evaporation technology. By evaporating the POME, water can be recovered while the residual solid content can be utilized as fertilizer.Although this method reclaims about 80% of water from POME, a major drawback is the high energy requirement (Ma, 1996).Since the ultimate goal of wastewater management is towards zero discharge, the best wastewater treatment scheme is inevitably a treatment
that allows 100% reuse and recycling of wastewater.If one considers the volume of water needed by the crude palm oil milling industry, the practice of releasing treated wastewater without further reuse in-house is a wasteful exercise.
Another alternative to minimize fresh water and energy consumption is to reuse wastewater directly from the final treatment pond. This could be as feed water for boiler or hydro cyclone. However,if this is the solution, a higher quality of treated water is required especially when it is to be used
as boiler feed water. The current treatment system of anaerobic followed by aerobic degradation is not capable of producing such high quality treated effluent.
duce higher quality effluent is through the use of membrane technology at the tertiary treatment stage. Membrane treatment is capable of providing a highly efficient treatment, requires minimal energy, and does not introduce any additives to the waste stream.There are many membrane process applications on water and wastewater treatment that has proven to be efficient. Membrane technology covers a large spectrum of separation techniques,ranging from reverse osmosis to microfiltration.Among the various membrane processing technologies,ultrafiltration offers an attractive option for wastewater treatment. It is a low pressure-driven membrane process retaining most effectively
macromolecules sized within 0.001 鈥?0.02 飩祄.
Although the biologically treated POME is already low in biodegradable organic contents, it still possesses significant amount of persistent cellulosic materials and oily residues that usually occur in the form of macromolecules.With membrane ultrafiltration, these molecules could be separated from the waste stream thus producing a higher quality effluent. In this research project, a study has been carried out to examine the feasibility of using membrane ultrafiltration for the final treatment of POME extracted
from the aerobic treatment pond. The general objectives are to
(i) Evaluate the effectiveness of membrane
ultrafiltration of treated POME and
(ii) Investigate the possibilities of water reuse and water recycling of the membrane-filtered treated POME.
The experimental part of this study followed the sequence as shown below:
Sample collection
An adequate quantity of sample was collected from a palm oil mill. A portion of the raw sample was preserved and the characteristics of the raw sample were analysed.
(i) Pre-treatment of samples Three types of pre-treatment were applied separately to compare the effectiveness of
each treatment. These treatments were:
A) Filtration
B) Centrifugation
C) Coagulation
(ii) Stirred-cell ultrafiltration
After pre-treatment, samples were ultrafiltered using a bench-scale stirred cell ultrafiltration unit (Spectrum Molecular/Por Stirred Cell-Model No.20062). The membrane material used
was 76-mm Spectrum Cellulose Ester Disc with
MWCO of 5000. A few aspects were studied.
The following parameters were investigated:
a) Pure water flux
Pure water flux characteristics for the membrane was obtained by filtering deionised water at an increment of every 1 bar of transmembrane pressure (from 1 bar to 7 bar).
b) Sample Flux
Flux for each pre-treated sample was obtained for comparison purpose. The flux was observed in the range of 1 bar to 7 bar of transmembrane pressure.
c) Variation of pH value of sample In order to investigate the effect of pH value on rejection characteristics (COD, total solids,suspended solids, ammoniacal nitrogen, total
nitrogen and colour), ultrafiltration of filtered and
centrifuged samples were conducted at two different
pH values at transmembrane pressures of 4.5 bar and 7.0 bar. The two pH values were pH 8 (original value of effluent) and pH 2.2 (pH at iso-electric point of cellulose membrane)(Bowen and Clark, 1984).
Ultrafiltration of the sample that was pretreated with coagulation technique was lastly carried out at the pH value that gave better rejection characteristics on the filtered and coagulated samples.
d) Variation of transmembrane pressure To study the effect of pressure on rejection characteristics, samples pre-treated using filPalm oil mill effluent (POME) filtration and centrifugation methods were ultrafiltered at 2 different values of TMP. Duplicate runs for each sample at TMP of 4.5 bar and 7.0 bar were undertaken. The TMP that gave the
better rejection characteristics was then applied for
ultrafiltration of the sample that was pre-treated using the coagulation technique.
(iii) Characteristic analysis of samples In order to evaluate the efficiency of membrane ultrafiltration, selected parameters were chosen to characterize the various samples
(raw, pre-treated and permeate). These parameters
are of great importance for effluent characterization
and the values need to meet the level of statutory discharge limits in the Environmental Quality Act (Prevailing Effluent Discharge Standards for Crude Palm Oil Mills, 1984) before being released into watercourses. The parameters are
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammoniacal
Nitrogen (AN), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN),
suspended solids (SS), turbidity and colour.
Results and Discussion
To study the overall treatment efficiency of pre-treatment followed by ultrafiltration, a comparison between untreated and treated sample is necessary.
a) Filtration 鈥?ultrafiltration pretreatment From Figure 1, it is clear that the filtration-ultrafiltration system was able to bring down parameter measurements extensively. Suspended
solids, turbidity and colour content were the best.
treated parameters, with percentage removal reaching 99.2%, 7.9% and 98.2% respectively.COD level was reduced to less than 200 mg/L from the original 1336 mg/L. Total nitrogen concentration was 25.4 mg/L after treatment, showing a 78.8% reduction. Ammoniacal nitrogen only
recorded a 5.8 mg/L improvement, equivalent to 21.3% percentage reduction.
b) Centrifugation 鈥?ultrafiltration pretreatment
For centrifugation-ultrafiltration system,as shown in Figure 2, the final quality of the treated sample was not as remarWhat is the best effective method to treat water effluents in palm oil industry?
Turning palm oil waste into drinking water
NIBONG TEBAL: While Singapore has NEWater, which is waste water that has been purified, Malaysia may soon have drinking water from palm oil waste.
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has scored another first by inventing a system which can turn palm oil waste into drinking water.
USM School of Chemical Engineering鈥檚 dean Professor Abdul Latif Ahmad鈥檚 invention is called the ';novel membrane-based treatment system'; which turns palm oil mill effluents (POME) into crystal clear drinking water.
The environment-friendly technology is set to reduce water pollution as it will help ensure zero discharge of palm oil waste into rivers.
';This invention is an innovative and cost-effective way of preventing sludge from making its way into the rivers and polluting them,'; Abdul Latif said.
At the School of Chemical Engineering in the USM Engineering campus here yesterday, Abdul Latif said he had been working on the project for the past 10 years with a RM500,000 grant provided by Yayasan Felda.
He said the system would help in ensuring a sustainable development of the palm oil industry as it emphasises zero discharge. He said most palm oil mills used the conventional method of treating palm oil waste with the biological treatment system.
';This system uses bacteria to eat and digest the dirty substances in the palm oil waste, which is not really effective as the waste is still murky when released into the river.';
He said his invention only required four steps to treat the waste before it became clean enough to drink.
He said his team of researchers managed to design and set up a membrane pilot plant locally at a cost of RM150,000.
';It is not only cost effective but also uses Malaysian technology,'; he said, adding that a similar pilot plant designed and fabricated overseas costs more than RM500,000
A good book about the Oil industry?
I am looking for a book that explains the oil industry, from the ground to our gas tanks. I want to know how it works, who makes money, who raises prices, everything. I don't want to be one of the people who complains about something we know nothing about.A good book about the Oil industry?
Oil on the Brain: Adventures from the Pump to the Pipeline
by: Lisa MargonelliA good book about the Oil industry?
SHELL has a few books.
But you could try the website www.howstuffworks.com
Oil on the Brain: Adventures from the Pump to the Pipeline
by: Lisa MargonelliA good book about the Oil industry?
SHELL has a few books.
But you could try the website www.howstuffworks.com
What happens to the US economy if the oil industry shift to using the Euro?
In the 1970's some genius decided that us dollars would no longer be backed by gold. With pressure Oil was sold on the international market by US dollars, this has become to be known as petro-dollars. The euro has flourished as a currency, overtaking the US dollar in a growing number of countries. Our own debt has resulted in a weakened dollar and higher oil costs. Will the US dollar become insignificant globally if oil states shift to the Euro? Would our economy collapse?
I am thinking depression would ensue as a result of the shift to the Euro. Selloffs of t-bills would compound the problem....but I am not an economist.What happens to the US economy if the oil industry shift to using the Euro?
If the Euro were to actually become the new petro-currency it would be bad for the US, but would not actually collapse our economy.
It would mean a much weaker dollar (higher costs of imports, etc) that would certainly not be good for us, but would not be world-ending.
The real important thing though, is that it is not going to happen. There are too many places (including the central banks of many foreign governments, China at the top), that have too many of our T-bills to even want to begin paying for their oil in anything but a dollar. If they do that, and the dollar falls through the floor, all of their investments fall through the floor too. It is a bit of a self-perpetuating cycle, and could lead to some very dire circumstances, but for the time being, no one is running from the dollar any time soon.What happens to the US economy if the oil industry shift to using the Euro?
It wouldn't be a huge deal; most nations who have large stocks of it do it for two reasons:
To artificially manipulate exchange rates in order to sell more to the US.
They realize that the investment opportunities in the US are are strong and inherently stable.
Total collapse of the economy resulting in the majority of the people being no better off than those in the Sudan. Only the rich will benefit, which is what they want.
That is a big problem. Everyone wants to get rid of the dollar but its no easy to do. If the dollar gets dumped your savings would vaporice but at the same time you dont want to keep accepting new dollars.
It is wise to ask what good are large dollar stockpiles when you cannot use them. That doesnt seem like real wealth to me, thats a scam. You are sitting on a mountain of money but cant use it? Please!
For a local pont of view all this talk about stockpiles and the such is irrelevant. If you are a private individual with a few thousand dollars you will change them to euros (or yens) as soon as you can and to hell with macroeconomic considerations! As a result the dollar may not have collapsed yet but has already lost HALF of its value.
Indeed, half. Are we clear about that? Half the value is gone and people still say ';Oh, the dollar is doing just fine, i love my american moeny LOL';.
HELL TO THE NO!!! i dont want to use no euro.... us dollars are more valuable (to me) and worth more......if u ask the common person they would rather have american money than the euro......albinism
I am thinking depression would ensue as a result of the shift to the Euro. Selloffs of t-bills would compound the problem....but I am not an economist.What happens to the US economy if the oil industry shift to using the Euro?
If the Euro were to actually become the new petro-currency it would be bad for the US, but would not actually collapse our economy.
It would mean a much weaker dollar (higher costs of imports, etc) that would certainly not be good for us, but would not be world-ending.
The real important thing though, is that it is not going to happen. There are too many places (including the central banks of many foreign governments, China at the top), that have too many of our T-bills to even want to begin paying for their oil in anything but a dollar. If they do that, and the dollar falls through the floor, all of their investments fall through the floor too. It is a bit of a self-perpetuating cycle, and could lead to some very dire circumstances, but for the time being, no one is running from the dollar any time soon.What happens to the US economy if the oil industry shift to using the Euro?
It wouldn't be a huge deal; most nations who have large stocks of it do it for two reasons:
To artificially manipulate exchange rates in order to sell more to the US.
They realize that the investment opportunities in the US are are strong and inherently stable.
Total collapse of the economy resulting in the majority of the people being no better off than those in the Sudan. Only the rich will benefit, which is what they want.
That is a big problem. Everyone wants to get rid of the dollar but its no easy to do. If the dollar gets dumped your savings would vaporice but at the same time you dont want to keep accepting new dollars.
It is wise to ask what good are large dollar stockpiles when you cannot use them. That doesnt seem like real wealth to me, thats a scam. You are sitting on a mountain of money but cant use it? Please!
For a local pont of view all this talk about stockpiles and the such is irrelevant. If you are a private individual with a few thousand dollars you will change them to euros (or yens) as soon as you can and to hell with macroeconomic considerations! As a result the dollar may not have collapsed yet but has already lost HALF of its value.
Indeed, half. Are we clear about that? Half the value is gone and people still say ';Oh, the dollar is doing just fine, i love my american moeny LOL';.
HELL TO THE NO!!! i dont want to use no euro.... us dollars are more valuable (to me) and worth more......if u ask the common person they would rather have american money than the euro......
What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?
Are you using less gas now that prices are higher?What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?
We as Americans can do several things. First call your senators and representatives and have them stop accepting bribes from GM and other car manufacturers who would like the continued suppression of alternate technologies for energy production. Complain to GM and Ford and Chrysler about their subsidized gas programs. These programs prevent the consumer from ';feeling'; the high prices of gasoline and so they are inclined to continue to guzzle it.
Second, buy cars that are fuel efficient. As a rule of thumb, for every Hummer that we have on the streets here in America, we'll need another Humvee in the middle east protecting America's interests and maintaining America's addiction to foreign oil. The American citizens are tired of paying for a war based on the irresponsible use of unrenewable resources.
Third, walk or ride a for bike short distances. We Americans drive everywhere. If we cut down on the amount of small trips we made with our cars we would not only eliminate pollution and use less fuel, but I have no doubt we'd all be a little slimmer too. And that (preventative health) will also drive down the cost of healthcare.
These are just a few. There are many other ways we could cut down on the foreign oil dependency problem.What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?
shoot get some guys get the oil from iraq and bring it over here to low gas prices!!
Unfortunately, we are now seeing the results of the ';Hubbert Peak';, which is defined as the point where the cheapest, most plentiful oil has already been extracted, and it becomes more and more expensive to get the same amount of energy. The U.S. passed this peak in the 1970's, and the world has passed this peak within the last 3 years.
This was inevitable: we have based a significant portion of our economic abilities on fossilized material that was formed before the dinosaurs came around. Objectively, it's not the smartest move.
That being said, there is still time to turn this thing around. The U.S. has one major asset that most countries don't: tons and tons of unused, fertile land. Were we to simply require that all cars be built with E-85 ethanol capabilities, and require that SUVs get the same gas mileage as cars, we would instantly be independent from middle east oil. Furthermore, we have the capability to integrate bio-diesel into our system, just not the political will to stand up to big oil.
Big Oil is making its money while it can; it's hard to blame them. They, more than anyone else, recognize the gravity of the situation: the cheap, easy oil is gone forever. What's left will be expensive to drill, extract, and refine.
The question that we the American people need to decide is: are we willing to let an economic crisis determine our future need, or do we want to get proactive and solve this problem now while gasoline is still relatively inexpensive?
Americans can stop buying SUV's that get 7 miles to the gallon. They can carpool more effectively, and they can also walk, ride bicycles, and use public transportation more.
First we do need to start using less oil products. Second get ready to invest in and use alternative sources. Third do not use the sources that are developed by the existing oil company's,don't give those that have abused the population, by letting them stay in control of us.
don't buy any. Walk take the Bus, train.
40mpg cars.
Using Sport Utility Vehicles for camping instead of commuting.
Stop buying their products. As long as they know people are willing to pay, they have no incentive to change their ways. Unfortunately, modern society is way dependant on said products, and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a bunch of uber-rich people to stop liking money.
They can stop driving. Gas in the U.K. is already of $5 per gallon and has been for a while. We americans are just so used to it being inexpensive and now that the prices are going up we feel as though we are being attacked. If we don't like high gas prices, we could ride our bikes or walk to places and stop buying it. That would send the message the we don't want to pay the high prices. Instead we are buying the same amount of gas and complaining to each other about the prices we've paid. This accomplishes nothing other than annoying some people.
We can stop pointing our fingers at others, learn basic economics, make changes in our personal lives, stop trying to force others to live the way you want them to and get on with life and stop blaming others for your own problems.
Stop buying oil-based products. Supply %26amp; demand, and all that. If you stop demanding, the prices will drop.
Oil companies jack up prices as they please for record profits why? Because they have a monopoly on transportation. People need cars and planes and trains to move, cars need gas to move, therefore, people need gas. Stop needing gas and you won't have this problem. Walk. Ride a bike. Drive a golf cart, whatever.
Nope, Im filling all the cars and the boat every chance I get. Im watching my portfolio perfrom great! Oil greed lmao You're an idiot, Its called profit
With all the Technology of the World at the command of USA.,only the will power is needed to change the systems to electricity or other sources.REDUCE THE DEPENDENCE ON OIL,make life style changes,adopt electric metros,magnetic levitation trains as in Japan,convert to electric furnaces.When will the nuclear knowledge come to the rescue of humanity.Make cars run on electricity,for hauls up to to 125km,otherwise use metros or levitation technique .the World is looking for solutions to the USA,
Greed is the biggest enemy of humanity forget it .Also the struggle for oil will lesson the burden on the Americans.Unite ALL YOU AMERICANS guide the world do not show a pathetic face,demand the changeover to electricity.
Why just ask about oil.....what about greed in all the other industries.....what about greed among those who refuse to work, yet want to live off the taxes of those who actually work?!? Then maybe there wouldn't need to be soooo much taxes on gas and the prices could actually come down.
Ride your bike. Which would also help with Americans being so over weight. ';Two birds killed with one stone.'; said somebody.
Stop using the car so much:
Plan your shopping trips better. Get everything you need now and in the near future. Shop on-line when you can.
Make your car more fuel efficient:
Make sure your car is well tuned. Get low resistance tires put on the car and keep them inflated properly.
Use a bicycle on short trips.
Prepare to vote out those ';Multinational interest group'; bought Republicans out of office, in November.
We as Americans can do several things. First call your senators and representatives and have them stop accepting bribes from GM and other car manufacturers who would like the continued suppression of alternate technologies for energy production. Complain to GM and Ford and Chrysler about their subsidized gas programs. These programs prevent the consumer from ';feeling'; the high prices of gasoline and so they are inclined to continue to guzzle it.
Second, buy cars that are fuel efficient. As a rule of thumb, for every Hummer that we have on the streets here in America, we'll need another Humvee in the middle east protecting America's interests and maintaining America's addiction to foreign oil. The American citizens are tired of paying for a war based on the irresponsible use of unrenewable resources.
Third, walk or ride a for bike short distances. We Americans drive everywhere. If we cut down on the amount of small trips we made with our cars we would not only eliminate pollution and use less fuel, but I have no doubt we'd all be a little slimmer too. And that (preventative health) will also drive down the cost of healthcare.
These are just a few. There are many other ways we could cut down on the foreign oil dependency problem.What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?
shoot get some guys get the oil from iraq and bring it over here to low gas prices!!
Unfortunately, we are now seeing the results of the ';Hubbert Peak';, which is defined as the point where the cheapest, most plentiful oil has already been extracted, and it becomes more and more expensive to get the same amount of energy. The U.S. passed this peak in the 1970's, and the world has passed this peak within the last 3 years.
This was inevitable: we have based a significant portion of our economic abilities on fossilized material that was formed before the dinosaurs came around. Objectively, it's not the smartest move.
That being said, there is still time to turn this thing around. The U.S. has one major asset that most countries don't: tons and tons of unused, fertile land. Were we to simply require that all cars be built with E-85 ethanol capabilities, and require that SUVs get the same gas mileage as cars, we would instantly be independent from middle east oil. Furthermore, we have the capability to integrate bio-diesel into our system, just not the political will to stand up to big oil.
Big Oil is making its money while it can; it's hard to blame them. They, more than anyone else, recognize the gravity of the situation: the cheap, easy oil is gone forever. What's left will be expensive to drill, extract, and refine.
The question that we the American people need to decide is: are we willing to let an economic crisis determine our future need, or do we want to get proactive and solve this problem now while gasoline is still relatively inexpensive?
Americans can stop buying SUV's that get 7 miles to the gallon. They can carpool more effectively, and they can also walk, ride bicycles, and use public transportation more.
First we do need to start using less oil products. Second get ready to invest in and use alternative sources. Third do not use the sources that are developed by the existing oil company's,don't give those that have abused the population, by letting them stay in control of us.
don't buy any. Walk take the Bus, train.
40mpg cars.
Using Sport Utility Vehicles for camping instead of commuting.
Stop buying their products. As long as they know people are willing to pay, they have no incentive to change their ways. Unfortunately, modern society is way dependant on said products, and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a bunch of uber-rich people to stop liking money.
They can stop driving. Gas in the U.K. is already of $5 per gallon and has been for a while. We americans are just so used to it being inexpensive and now that the prices are going up we feel as though we are being attacked. If we don't like high gas prices, we could ride our bikes or walk to places and stop buying it. That would send the message the we don't want to pay the high prices. Instead we are buying the same amount of gas and complaining to each other about the prices we've paid. This accomplishes nothing other than annoying some people.
We can stop pointing our fingers at others, learn basic economics, make changes in our personal lives, stop trying to force others to live the way you want them to and get on with life and stop blaming others for your own problems.
Stop buying oil-based products. Supply %26amp; demand, and all that. If you stop demanding, the prices will drop.
Oil companies jack up prices as they please for record profits why? Because they have a monopoly on transportation. People need cars and planes and trains to move, cars need gas to move, therefore, people need gas. Stop needing gas and you won't have this problem. Walk. Ride a bike. Drive a golf cart, whatever.
Nope, Im filling all the cars and the boat every chance I get. Im watching my portfolio perfrom great! Oil greed lmao You're an idiot, Its called profit
With all the Technology of the World at the command of USA.,only the will power is needed to change the systems to electricity or other sources.REDUCE THE DEPENDENCE ON OIL,make life style changes,adopt electric metros,magnetic levitation trains as in Japan,convert to electric furnaces.When will the nuclear knowledge come to the rescue of humanity.Make cars run on electricity,for hauls up to to 125km,otherwise use metros or levitation technique .the World is looking for solutions to the USA,
Greed is the biggest enemy of humanity forget it .Also the struggle for oil will lesson the burden on the Americans.Unite ALL YOU AMERICANS guide the world do not show a pathetic face,demand the changeover to electricity.
Why just ask about oil.....what about greed in all the other industries.....what about greed among those who refuse to work, yet want to live off the taxes of those who actually work?!? Then maybe there wouldn't need to be soooo much taxes on gas and the prices could actually come down.
Ride your bike. Which would also help with Americans being so over weight. ';Two birds killed with one stone.'; said somebody.
Stop using the car so much:
Plan your shopping trips better. Get everything you need now and in the near future. Shop on-line when you can.
Make your car more fuel efficient:
Make sure your car is well tuned. Get low resistance tires put on the car and keep them inflated properly.
Use a bicycle on short trips.
Prepare to vote out those ';Multinational interest group'; bought Republicans out of office, in November.
Where can i find the financial ratios' averages of the oil industry?
i`m in the middle of writing an assignment and i`m strugling a little. i've been trying to find these number with no luck for days. i dont wanna pay for any reports as they are very expensive. could any one give me the direct link to a web site i'm looking for please?Where can i find the financial ratios' averages of the oil industry?
Go to your local library and ask the librarian for the Oil Industry Reports from Standard and Poore's and Moody's. Everything you want should be in there.
These reports are sold and not on-line.
Go to your local library and ask the librarian for the Oil Industry Reports from Standard and Poore's and Moody's. Everything you want should be in there.
These reports are sold and not on-line.
Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
The oil industry has gotten out of control. They are simply fleecing us at this point. Oil is a natural resource. The government should either absorb the oil industry or regulate the price of oil.
Or seriously invest in real alternatives like nuclear power or zero point.Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
Good lord, NO. The politicians are already so tied up with the oil industry that would be adding fuel to the fire. The government should go into competition with the oil companies and really promote nuclear energy, solar energy, alternative fuel sources of all kinds. Stop giving tax breaks to the oil companies and give 'em to the alternates. Then we could all pay $60.00 a gallon for gasoline -- because the car companies are wedded to the oil companies.Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
The main reason governments take control of oil industries is to have control over what to do with the revenues. So there is some debate on whether to tax private firms higher to make up for the government allowing them to operate instead of being nationalized.
As for investing in Nuclear and zero-point. You've been watching too much sci-fi if you think there's any cost viable methods of producing zero point energy anytime soon. That'd be a break through more advanced than cold fusion. CERN messes around with some of that stuff, but just observationally, like how madam curie observed radiation a hundred years ago. Nuclear frightens people and nobody wants it in their backyard.
90% of the world's oil reserves are controlled by governments, thats a big part of the problem, no free market, if we decrease demand, they just decrease supply. The US government taking over oil companies would do nothing to lower oil costs. The US is a consumer of oil, not a supplier therefore its has no control over price, if there was anything the government could do to lower oil prices they would probably have already done it (another war perhaps?) sad fact is we are powerless to do anything about the cost of crude, we just have to take our beating, or invent some magical way of becoming energy independent.
governments are supposed to work for the country's benefit and used the resources in order to make life easier for its people ( for oil , they should sell it cheaper to its own people , export oil and get the economy rich etc )
private businesses will just use the oil company to benefit themselves , ( just get as much profit as possible )
unfortunately , government might not be good enough for its people and that's when the problems occur
Why not?
When it's god's natural assets?
For public utilities.
Not for the men who would be king in doing things at own whims and fancy.
The gifts of life vital for the survival and advancement of living human kind in time.
With ethe creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.
Look in the real world.
How the men who would be king messing up God's natural assets with ';Charge of the light calvary'; even in self destruction of living human kind with the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men.
With everyone living in misery with the rising cost in short-changing the publics.
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
What do you think?
Totally agree!
Or seriously invest in real alternatives like nuclear power or zero point.Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
Good lord, NO. The politicians are already so tied up with the oil industry that would be adding fuel to the fire. The government should go into competition with the oil companies and really promote nuclear energy, solar energy, alternative fuel sources of all kinds. Stop giving tax breaks to the oil companies and give 'em to the alternates. Then we could all pay $60.00 a gallon for gasoline -- because the car companies are wedded to the oil companies.Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
The main reason governments take control of oil industries is to have control over what to do with the revenues. So there is some debate on whether to tax private firms higher to make up for the government allowing them to operate instead of being nationalized.
As for investing in Nuclear and zero-point. You've been watching too much sci-fi if you think there's any cost viable methods of producing zero point energy anytime soon. That'd be a break through more advanced than cold fusion. CERN messes around with some of that stuff, but just observationally, like how madam curie observed radiation a hundred years ago. Nuclear frightens people and nobody wants it in their backyard.
90% of the world's oil reserves are controlled by governments, thats a big part of the problem, no free market, if we decrease demand, they just decrease supply. The US government taking over oil companies would do nothing to lower oil costs. The US is a consumer of oil, not a supplier therefore its has no control over price, if there was anything the government could do to lower oil prices they would probably have already done it (another war perhaps?) sad fact is we are powerless to do anything about the cost of crude, we just have to take our beating, or invent some magical way of becoming energy independent.
governments are supposed to work for the country's benefit and used the resources in order to make life easier for its people ( for oil , they should sell it cheaper to its own people , export oil and get the economy rich etc )
private businesses will just use the oil company to benefit themselves , ( just get as much profit as possible )
unfortunately , government might not be good enough for its people and that's when the problems occur
Why not?
When it's god's natural assets?
For public utilities.
Not for the men who would be king in doing things at own whims and fancy.
The gifts of life vital for the survival and advancement of living human kind in time.
With ethe creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.
Look in the real world.
How the men who would be king messing up God's natural assets with ';Charge of the light calvary'; even in self destruction of living human kind with the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men.
With everyone living in misery with the rising cost in short-changing the publics.
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
What do you think?
Totally agree!
Who should bail out the US Auto makers, tax payers or Oil industry?
Oil companies are the #1 ally of the Auto industry. They have a lot to loose if the Auto industry goes down. Shouldn't the oil industry be the one to bail out the auto industry and protect their interest?
If US government bails out the Auto makers and then they don't help other industries, wouldn't this be considered discrimination?Who should bail out the US Auto makers, tax payers or Oil industry?
NO ONE should bail them out. Let the open market do its thing. The head honchos of the Big Three were able to take their private jets to Washington to ask for handouts.
Who should bail out the US Auto makers, tax payers or Oil industry?
Neither, all the speculators should who speculated the oil price to go way up. Anyone who made money on that should be flipping the bill.
Also all the CEO's of these auto makers who decided that making more gas guzzling machines was a good idea as the price of oil went up should be fired immediately.
Let's call this era, the Era Socialism was available to all economic backgrounds.
Until the auto makers prove they will become fiscally responsible, cut the greed, and operate a more efficient, cost-effective operation - - no one should bail them out. Without a change in the absolute fundamental basis for success - nothing will change, no matter how much $$ you throw at them.
It's not a bailout it's a bridge LOAN. They might not have needed to get the loan if the economy had not gotten so bad.
If it helps in keeping my job so that I can keep paying my income tax rather then getting money from the GOV. that is from other payers wouldn't that be better? and then when the auto CO. get back on their feet and pay back the loan then all will benefit.
Let the Big Three go bankrupt, then they can start over without the unions, which is most of the problem. The union deal, has them paying for people who are not even there. Get rid of these high priced people who do not even work, and the car prices will come down.
The US automakers have had 30 years of slow decline, let them bail themselves out by restructuring. Just for the record it is Detroit that has the problem, Auto plants in other states are doing just fine.
No one should, all the bailouts done already should have unspent money returned to the Fed. No bailouts for anyone, if their company be like to die, let them do it.
Oil Industry. Not the government.
The oil industry should.
I don't know who should bail them out but i do know that it should not be the tax payers
The same people that are bailing me out. No one!!!
If US government bails out the Auto makers and then they don't help other industries, wouldn't this be considered discrimination?Who should bail out the US Auto makers, tax payers or Oil industry?
NO ONE should bail them out. Let the open market do its thing. The head honchos of the Big Three were able to take their private jets to Washington to ask for handouts.
Who should bail out the US Auto makers, tax payers or Oil industry?
Neither, all the speculators should who speculated the oil price to go way up. Anyone who made money on that should be flipping the bill.
Also all the CEO's of these auto makers who decided that making more gas guzzling machines was a good idea as the price of oil went up should be fired immediately.
Let's call this era, the Era Socialism was available to all economic backgrounds.
Until the auto makers prove they will become fiscally responsible, cut the greed, and operate a more efficient, cost-effective operation - - no one should bail them out. Without a change in the absolute fundamental basis for success - nothing will change, no matter how much $$ you throw at them.
It's not a bailout it's a bridge LOAN. They might not have needed to get the loan if the economy had not gotten so bad.
If it helps in keeping my job so that I can keep paying my income tax rather then getting money from the GOV. that is from other payers wouldn't that be better? and then when the auto CO. get back on their feet and pay back the loan then all will benefit.
Let the Big Three go bankrupt, then they can start over without the unions, which is most of the problem. The union deal, has them paying for people who are not even there. Get rid of these high priced people who do not even work, and the car prices will come down.
The US automakers have had 30 years of slow decline, let them bail themselves out by restructuring. Just for the record it is Detroit that has the problem, Auto plants in other states are doing just fine.
No one should, all the bailouts done already should have unspent money returned to the Fed. No bailouts for anyone, if their company be like to die, let them do it.
Oil Industry. Not the government.
The oil industry should.
I don't know who should bail them out but i do know that it should not be the tax payers
The same people that are bailing me out. No one!!!
What are the chances this pr1ck has shares in the oil industry by RobertT?
';This hysterical ranting about oil prices has got to stop. Google ';Peak Oil'; and discover that the escalation in oil prices was inevitable and widely predicted.';What are the chances this pr1ck has shares in the oil industry by RobertT?
Did you google Peak Oil then ?
NB. if he is smart, he will have Spread Bets NOT Oil Company shares .. the Oil Co's are too open to political interference, especially in the countries where the oil is actually pumped out of the ground ..
PS I bet some of those idiots bleating on about how the Gulf War was 'all about Oil ' are looking stupid now .. if it WAS 'all about oil' how come USA is powerless to stop the price rising ??
Did you google Peak Oil then ?
NB. if he is smart, he will have Spread Bets NOT Oil Company shares .. the Oil Co's are too open to political interference, especially in the countries where the oil is actually pumped out of the ground ..
PS I bet some of those idiots bleating on about how the Gulf War was 'all about Oil ' are looking stupid now .. if it WAS 'all about oil' how come USA is powerless to stop the price rising ??
Why was Gordon Brown in Aberdeen on Wednesday attending a memorial service for oil industry workers?
Did he need an excuse to avoid having to attend the various remembrance services around the UK for the Hillsborough victims?Why was Gordon Brown in Aberdeen on Wednesday attending a memorial service for oil industry workers?
Maybe because he can't be two places at the one time
He is in Scotland just now,for scheduled business, and was attending the memorial service for the Helicopter disaster,which happened in the North Sea recentlyWhy was Gordon Brown in Aberdeen on Wednesday attending a memorial service for oil industry workers?
You see this Prime Minister has lost the trust of the people. I for one would like to think that GB attended this service out of respect to the dead oil workers.Unfortunately he just happen to be with his cabinet in Scotland for the first time in about 20 years, which immediately makes you say that he was on a vote catching exercise and nothing more.
He has proved all to often that he and his colleagues in cabinet, don't care a hoot about the rest of us.
Personally I think the Scottish people have also got his measure.
The answer is simple;To lay down the foundations for a successful return at the next General Election.'Heaven help us'!
Brown would go to the opening of a packet of cornflakes if he thought it would get him votes !
To raise support for himself among the oil worker
personally i think he was there just for show and nothing else but that is just my opianalbinism
Maybe because he can't be two places at the one time
He is in Scotland just now,for scheduled business, and was attending the memorial service for the Helicopter disaster,which happened in the North Sea recentlyWhy was Gordon Brown in Aberdeen on Wednesday attending a memorial service for oil industry workers?
You see this Prime Minister has lost the trust of the people. I for one would like to think that GB attended this service out of respect to the dead oil workers.Unfortunately he just happen to be with his cabinet in Scotland for the first time in about 20 years, which immediately makes you say that he was on a vote catching exercise and nothing more.
He has proved all to often that he and his colleagues in cabinet, don't care a hoot about the rest of us.
Personally I think the Scottish people have also got his measure.
The answer is simple;To lay down the foundations for a successful return at the next General Election.'Heaven help us'!
Brown would go to the opening of a packet of cornflakes if he thought it would get him votes !
To raise support for himself among the oil worker
personally i think he was there just for show and nothing else but that is just my opian
Given the oil industry is not competent to run any government?
Should the UK, as a trial, have a revolution?Given the oil industry is not competent to run any government?
Cannot follow that logicGiven the oil industry is not competent to run any government?
No revolution in the history of the world has ever turned out the way the instigators of the revolution intended.
You would be unleashing horrifically destructive forces that would put the country back decades.
How can you dismiss a revolution as a mere 'trial'? As if we could go 'whoops, on second thought, let's revert back to how it was before'? Do you have any idea what a revolution entails? It's bloodshed, uprooting, mass murder of people who disagree, state paranoia, police government, counter-revolution. Please, please please, don't use that word so lightly.
The most successful states don't have a revolution unless the only alternative is the same mass murder by the existing regime. No matter how much we criticise the present government, there is no way you can accuse it of that. It's pure hyperbole. We need responsible government, not revolutionary government.
Try reading some Edmund Burke.
Your premise that the oil industry equates as an organisation to that of a national and civil government is a bit wonky but the question about revolution as a solution is as old as civilisation.
No revolution can ever succeed in making social organisation more fair and equitable because of the seduction of political power. Once a system is transformed from one type to another, either by swings to the left or right of an ideology, it requires not only firm and competent helmsman to keep it progressively moving toward visualised social goals but a robust security apparatus to protect its power base from being subverted or harmed by 'counter-revolutionaries' that seek to take over the new administration at the earliest opportunity in order to purify it from old thoughts and ideas. As the power base extends both laterally across every economic strata of society and vertically through industrial and military and educational institutions, those occupying seats of power at every level and sector within the 'new' order find themselves seduced by the enormous privileges and advantages their position brings. Before long the old corrupt regime of sycophants and nepotism has been replaced by a new one; the rhetoric and the name has changed but the same archaic class system of economic and political and social segregation carries on as before.
The UK needs a revolution in education that stops churning out people with materialistic expectations of creating their identity out of exploiting others.
Cannot follow that logicGiven the oil industry is not competent to run any government?
No revolution in the history of the world has ever turned out the way the instigators of the revolution intended.
You would be unleashing horrifically destructive forces that would put the country back decades.
How can you dismiss a revolution as a mere 'trial'? As if we could go 'whoops, on second thought, let's revert back to how it was before'? Do you have any idea what a revolution entails? It's bloodshed, uprooting, mass murder of people who disagree, state paranoia, police government, counter-revolution. Please, please please, don't use that word so lightly.
The most successful states don't have a revolution unless the only alternative is the same mass murder by the existing regime. No matter how much we criticise the present government, there is no way you can accuse it of that. It's pure hyperbole. We need responsible government, not revolutionary government.
Try reading some Edmund Burke.
Your premise that the oil industry equates as an organisation to that of a national and civil government is a bit wonky but the question about revolution as a solution is as old as civilisation.
No revolution can ever succeed in making social organisation more fair and equitable because of the seduction of political power. Once a system is transformed from one type to another, either by swings to the left or right of an ideology, it requires not only firm and competent helmsman to keep it progressively moving toward visualised social goals but a robust security apparatus to protect its power base from being subverted or harmed by 'counter-revolutionaries' that seek to take over the new administration at the earliest opportunity in order to purify it from old thoughts and ideas. As the power base extends both laterally across every economic strata of society and vertically through industrial and military and educational institutions, those occupying seats of power at every level and sector within the 'new' order find themselves seduced by the enormous privileges and advantages their position brings. Before long the old corrupt regime of sycophants and nepotism has been replaced by a new one; the rhetoric and the name has changed but the same archaic class system of economic and political and social segregation carries on as before.
The UK needs a revolution in education that stops churning out people with materialistic expectations of creating their identity out of exploiting others.
How much power and money do the oil industry have combined?
Would the sum of their wealth and power make bill gates look like an ant. Do they have enough power buy a small country?How much power and money do the oil industry have combined?
You can find the information in SME 500. This book is available in the national library.
You can find the information in SME 500. This book is available in the national library.
What are some good stocks in the oil industry exploration and production?
Not so much service companies or equipment but more focused on the E%26amp;P sector. HNYWhat are some good stocks in the oil industry exploration and production?
Occidental PetroleumWhat are some good stocks in the oil industry exploration and production?
Apache: APA
Occidental PetroleumWhat are some good stocks in the oil industry exploration and production?
Apache: APA
What role does bush play in the monopoly of the oil industry?
What does the word monopoly actually imply within the politics field?What role does bush play in the monopoly of the oil industry?
Major Role ---he owns oil refinery so therefore he loves it when oil prices go up---more bucks in his pocket. That dirty rotten baste-rd!!!!!!!!!!What role does bush play in the monopoly of the oil industry?
I think he's on the top. The vice president was the head of haliburton which has thier people in the middle east right now laying pipes n shi* to start pumping the oil outta there. Not to mention Bush's family are oil tycoons. But its not really a monopoly at all. Because there is plenty of competition as long as youre an american company in the middle east. What?
Bush has no clue about oil with an IQ off less than 100, its just other people telling him what to do.
Don't know if he owns any oil stock. Did own a baseball team once.
Bush and his family are OPEC.
Major Role ---he owns oil refinery so therefore he loves it when oil prices go up---more bucks in his pocket. That dirty rotten baste-rd!!!!!!!!!!What role does bush play in the monopoly of the oil industry?
I think he's on the top. The vice president was the head of haliburton which has thier people in the middle east right now laying pipes n shi* to start pumping the oil outta there. Not to mention Bush's family are oil tycoons. But its not really a monopoly at all. Because there is plenty of competition as long as youre an american company in the middle east. What?
Bush has no clue about oil with an IQ off less than 100, its just other people telling him what to do.
Don't know if he owns any oil stock. Did own a baseball team once.
Bush and his family are OPEC.
How to find oil industry job in Alaska?
I heard it is possible to find a job in alaska oil industry, without any qualifications you could earn $60 hourly salary. You just have to sign contract for 3 month or more and they will pay for your road to alaska and back to home.How to find oil industry job in Alaska?
yeah.... but it's in Alaska.How to find oil industry job in Alaska?
usually you need to sign up either at the oil company's head office in Texas (most of them are in texas) or the company's Alaska office - most of them are in Fairbanks or Anchorage.
Time to get the fingers walking - use the yellow pages.
Or try this.
(summer jobs)
yeah.... but it's in Alaska.How to find oil industry job in Alaska?
usually you need to sign up either at the oil company's head office in Texas (most of them are in texas) or the company's Alaska office - most of them are in Fairbanks or Anchorage.
Time to get the fingers walking - use the yellow pages.
Or try this.
(summer jobs)
What is the best way to find an entry level job in the oil industry, with no previous experience in the field
i have search for the last 4 years for a job in this field, i don't care of how hard the work is i just want to work , i love this line of work
But residing in the Caribbean, made it very difficult to enter into this field . can any one help me .What is the best way to find an entry level job in the oil industry, with no previous experience in the field
Unfortunately, you will have to move to Alberta, Canada. There are thousands of jobs available there in the oil industry. Most of them are in the trades or engineering but they will train you also.What is the best way to find an entry level job in the oil industry, with no previous experience in the field
Register with Oil company websites.
Try http://www.worldwideworker.com/explorati鈥?/a>
You will find many other company details from this site.albinism
But residing in the Caribbean, made it very difficult to enter into this field . can any one help me .What is the best way to find an entry level job in the oil industry, with no previous experience in the field
Unfortunately, you will have to move to Alberta, Canada. There are thousands of jobs available there in the oil industry. Most of them are in the trades or engineering but they will train you also.What is the best way to find an entry level job in the oil industry, with no previous experience in the field
Register with Oil company websites.
Try http://www.worldwideworker.com/explorati鈥?/a>
You will find many other company details from this site.
How much money would it take for you to work in the oil industry?
Would you work on an oil platform, drilling holes in mother earth for $50/hr with full benefits? Or would it take $65/hr?
At what price would it take for you to sell your soul to the evil oil corporations?How much money would it take for you to work in the oil industry?
Been there done that for a lot less (approx 25 buck per hour). I didn't drill oil wells. I actually drilled (well I watched drillers drill) groundwater monitoring wells all over So Cal. I used to work as consultant to the evil Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Shell, etc. The funny thing about those evil corporations is that they have very nice ordinary people working for them except maybe Exxon Mobil that seems to go out of their way to hire d*ckh**ds but I digress. The left's view of these corporations is nowhere near the truth.How much money would it take for you to work in the oil industry?
To work for the oil industry? Competitive wages and I'd do whatever white collar work they wanted.
For manual labor? I would need to be paid significantly more than they pay me to sit on my *** in a comfortable air conditioned office, probably not gonna happen.
umm i think the somali slaves that work on these rigs make around half a bowl of rice a day. So for you since your american you'll probably make around 2 bowls of rice an hour. Unless your islamic, then for every day of work you add an extra day to your life in captivity.
$50 a hr?where can i sign up.sorry tree huggers you can thumbs down me all you want but i have to support a sick mother and have been looking for a good job for the longest.
How do you blame the oil companies? They're not the ones to blame. It's not their fault the average citizen has such a high demand for these products. They're just finding what all the people are demanding aren't they?
';At what price would it take for you to sell your soul to the evil oil corporations?';
I think there's a difference between providing for your families and ';selling your soul';
I would work in the oil industry way before I would work in Hollywood. Those people are so shallow and have no morals. It is unbelievable.
Oh right better to buy it from Chavez and other dictators so we can support their nuclear programs and general d*ck headed American hating ideas.
it doesn't matter cause the oil industry is not hiring right now.
U are all crazy if we do not have oil some one will starve.We must have an alternative fuel or it will not be pretty.The biggest and meanest will take your food from U.
Give me 35K a year and benefits and Ill be there in 15 minutes!
$15/hr plus all the gas ill ever need lmao
$45 plus benefits. yup, I'm cheap!
I'LL WORK FOR 19$......CALL ME 9995395035 jom156@gmail.com
I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering and when I finish I plan on spending my career developing alternative energy methods.
I would never work for big oil, no matter the pay. They stand for everything I am against.
At what price would it take for you to sell your soul to the evil oil corporations?How much money would it take for you to work in the oil industry?
Been there done that for a lot less (approx 25 buck per hour). I didn't drill oil wells. I actually drilled (well I watched drillers drill) groundwater monitoring wells all over So Cal. I used to work as consultant to the evil Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Shell, etc. The funny thing about those evil corporations is that they have very nice ordinary people working for them except maybe Exxon Mobil that seems to go out of their way to hire d*ckh**ds but I digress. The left's view of these corporations is nowhere near the truth.How much money would it take for you to work in the oil industry?
To work for the oil industry? Competitive wages and I'd do whatever white collar work they wanted.
For manual labor? I would need to be paid significantly more than they pay me to sit on my *** in a comfortable air conditioned office, probably not gonna happen.
umm i think the somali slaves that work on these rigs make around half a bowl of rice a day. So for you since your american you'll probably make around 2 bowls of rice an hour. Unless your islamic, then for every day of work you add an extra day to your life in captivity.
$50 a hr?where can i sign up.sorry tree huggers you can thumbs down me all you want but i have to support a sick mother and have been looking for a good job for the longest.
How do you blame the oil companies? They're not the ones to blame. It's not their fault the average citizen has such a high demand for these products. They're just finding what all the people are demanding aren't they?
';At what price would it take for you to sell your soul to the evil oil corporations?';
I think there's a difference between providing for your families and ';selling your soul';
I would work in the oil industry way before I would work in Hollywood. Those people are so shallow and have no morals. It is unbelievable.
Oh right better to buy it from Chavez and other dictators so we can support their nuclear programs and general d*ck headed American hating ideas.
it doesn't matter cause the oil industry is not hiring right now.
U are all crazy if we do not have oil some one will starve.We must have an alternative fuel or it will not be pretty.The biggest and meanest will take your food from U.
Give me 35K a year and benefits and Ill be there in 15 minutes!
$15/hr plus all the gas ill ever need lmao
$45 plus benefits. yup, I'm cheap!
I'LL WORK FOR 19$......CALL ME 9995395035 jom156@gmail.com
I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering and when I finish I plan on spending my career developing alternative energy methods.
I would never work for big oil, no matter the pay. They stand for everything I am against.
What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?
As if we didn't know, I am sure.What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?
Nobody is in as heavy as Bush an Cheney.What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?
Don't tell me that Laura Bush is going to bleach her hair and run for President or maybe it's Dick Cheney's wife. But Bush and Cheney don't have anything invested in oil, do they? So you're saying that it's alright for Bush to invest in oil and not Hillary. That's sort of a double standard. I thought Americans could invest in anything they wished.
Would you care to cite how Hillary is invested in the OIL industry as you say?
What Muslim candidate is heavily invest in the take over of the free world by Islam.
Obama Big ears bin laden that's who.
I will give the low down about Obama and you may not like it but if you follow the links to the policitco.com articles and read it all you will not like or trust Obama.
He is the biggest liar on the campaign trail.
1.. He used an innocent man in Iowa to get free new and his PR people lied to keep the spin going. This man is a Armenian Physicist here doing some work with some of the most important programs for Universities and the Government. And he was helping a friend in Cincinnati Ohio out with his novelty card business when Obama used him read the links.
2. He is not a Christian as you will not find one Muslim saying a word about his so called conversation from Islam. You can convert to Islam but not away as it is called a fatwa or to us a death sentence. No one word about this.
3. He stated he would invade Pakistan who is an alley on terrorism and barely holding on with eh Islamic extremist there. Which was done by Obama to destabilize this country that has a nuke and I will add the only Muslim country that does. Why would he do this even Hillary knows this is very bad.
4. He last week said he would never use the Nuke which was a signal that if he wins that they the Islamic terrorist who wishes us all to be dead can do it and he will not act. Id this what you want for a president? No look at what Turkey did to Christians and they will end all of the things you love on the left as we are all infidels to them and the left here is satin itself.
Oh my god, I didn't know that Condoleeza Rice was running...
Nobody is in as heavy as Bush an Cheney.What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?
Don't tell me that Laura Bush is going to bleach her hair and run for President or maybe it's Dick Cheney's wife. But Bush and Cheney don't have anything invested in oil, do they? So you're saying that it's alright for Bush to invest in oil and not Hillary. That's sort of a double standard. I thought Americans could invest in anything they wished.
Would you care to cite how Hillary is invested in the OIL industry as you say?
What Muslim candidate is heavily invest in the take over of the free world by Islam.
Obama Big ears bin laden that's who.
I will give the low down about Obama and you may not like it but if you follow the links to the policitco.com articles and read it all you will not like or trust Obama.
He is the biggest liar on the campaign trail.
1.. He used an innocent man in Iowa to get free new and his PR people lied to keep the spin going. This man is a Armenian Physicist here doing some work with some of the most important programs for Universities and the Government. And he was helping a friend in Cincinnati Ohio out with his novelty card business when Obama used him read the links.
2. He is not a Christian as you will not find one Muslim saying a word about his so called conversation from Islam. You can convert to Islam but not away as it is called a fatwa or to us a death sentence. No one word about this.
3. He stated he would invade Pakistan who is an alley on terrorism and barely holding on with eh Islamic extremist there. Which was done by Obama to destabilize this country that has a nuke and I will add the only Muslim country that does. Why would he do this even Hillary knows this is very bad.
4. He last week said he would never use the Nuke which was a signal that if he wins that they the Islamic terrorist who wishes us all to be dead can do it and he will not act. Id this what you want for a president? No look at what Turkey did to Christians and they will end all of the things you love on the left as we are all infidels to them and the left here is satin itself.
Oh my god, I didn't know that Condoleeza Rice was running...
Why do liberals care more about socializing the oil industry and the carabou than the American working class?
Cheney/Bush answers are a fallacy, and unproven. Dont answer with those please. This is a serious question, so your anti-Bush retard CNN, ';we want islamo-fascists to take over America'; don't work here.
Actually the only answer I want to see from you libs is the truth - you hate America and all she stands for, and you want us all to be more like Hugo and his buddy Osama.Why do liberals care more about socializing the oil industry and the carabou than the American working class?
Because the lib idiots will use Venezuala as an example not realizing that Venezuala imports no oil.Why do liberals care more about socializing the oil industry and the carabou than the American working class?
I love America, so you are wrong there. I don't think our country is infallible though, if something needs to be fixed, let's fix it.
I don't want to socialize the oil industry, I just don't think they should be able to manipulate supply by keeping oil back-logged at the refineries. Gas could be lower now without drilling, if they would just do that.
I am all for socializing the oil industry. We would have cheaper gas and lower taxes if we did. In Venezuela, they only pay twelve cents a gallon for gas......
you could really use a few weeks away from Republican Hate Radio. You sound like a nut job.
Why do the conzombies put Americans out of work.
Because they know if they control the gas they will control you!
Take it easy Lou Dobbs.
Actually the only answer I want to see from you libs is the truth - you hate America and all she stands for, and you want us all to be more like Hugo and his buddy Osama.Why do liberals care more about socializing the oil industry and the carabou than the American working class?
Because the lib idiots will use Venezuala as an example not realizing that Venezuala imports no oil.Why do liberals care more about socializing the oil industry and the carabou than the American working class?
I love America, so you are wrong there. I don't think our country is infallible though, if something needs to be fixed, let's fix it.
I don't want to socialize the oil industry, I just don't think they should be able to manipulate supply by keeping oil back-logged at the refineries. Gas could be lower now without drilling, if they would just do that.
I am all for socializing the oil industry. We would have cheaper gas and lower taxes if we did. In Venezuela, they only pay twelve cents a gallon for gas......
you could really use a few weeks away from Republican Hate Radio. You sound like a nut job.
Why do the conzombies put Americans out of work.
Because they know if they control the gas they will control you!
Take it easy Lou Dobbs.
I wish to know how power electronics is applied in the oil industry?
Would like to know the various types of switches used in the oil industry and how they are used.I wish to know how power electronics is applied in the oil industry?
The upstream side is drilling and gathering oil and natural gas. Motors up to 1500 or more HP are used to drill the wells. Lots of smaller motors and actuators are used thoughout. Pumps and compressors (pumps for natural gas) are generally driven by electric motors. Valves can be electrically actuated, either by motors or for smaller valves, solenoids. Lots of heaters.
Refineries also have lots of pumps, valves, heaters. Also, transformers/switchgear, especially at refineries, which use a lot of power.
Downstream side, after the refineries, lots of pumps (or compressors), valves, motors. Once you get to the retail level these are small and computer controlled.
Impossible to say one type or a few types of power electronics are used, because the industry is so vast it uses almost everything available. From 40 year old contactors and starter relays, to the latest in solid state DCS's.
The upstream side is drilling and gathering oil and natural gas. Motors up to 1500 or more HP are used to drill the wells. Lots of smaller motors and actuators are used thoughout. Pumps and compressors (pumps for natural gas) are generally driven by electric motors. Valves can be electrically actuated, either by motors or for smaller valves, solenoids. Lots of heaters.
Refineries also have lots of pumps, valves, heaters. Also, transformers/switchgear, especially at refineries, which use a lot of power.
Downstream side, after the refineries, lots of pumps (or compressors), valves, motors. Once you get to the retail level these are small and computer controlled.
Impossible to say one type or a few types of power electronics are used, because the industry is so vast it uses almost everything available. From 40 year old contactors and starter relays, to the latest in solid state DCS's.
Who thinks I am going to lose my job in the oil industry?
With all the talk of global warming and Kyoto, my job in the Canadian oil industry feels jeaprodized. Do you think I should start looking in other fields?Who thinks I am going to lose my job in the oil industry?
I wish I had your problems. With the price of oil sky high with no end in sight, your job is safe. With Kyoto and global warming being nothing but a big azzed marketing scam, your grandkids grandkids could retire out of the oil biz...Who thinks I am going to lose my job in the oil industry?
It's pretty unlikely that oil will go away within our lifetimes. However, you could do our children %26amp; grandchildren a favor and start looking into a career in alternative energy development or at least investigate how the current oil/energy infrastructure could be transitioned into other industries, energy-based or otherwise.
Yeah in about a 100 years. That's when your reserves are due to run out.
I wouldn't worry, the sourcing isn't the problem - it's the means by which it is burned that's gonna kill us all.
I wish I had your problems. With the price of oil sky high with no end in sight, your job is safe. With Kyoto and global warming being nothing but a big azzed marketing scam, your grandkids grandkids could retire out of the oil biz...Who thinks I am going to lose my job in the oil industry?
It's pretty unlikely that oil will go away within our lifetimes. However, you could do our children %26amp; grandchildren a favor and start looking into a career in alternative energy development or at least investigate how the current oil/energy infrastructure could be transitioned into other industries, energy-based or otherwise.
Yeah in about a 100 years. That's when your reserves are due to run out.
I wouldn't worry, the sourcing isn't the problem - it's the means by which it is burned that's gonna kill us all.
How do you expose the people who are at the top of the palm oil industry?
Having spent this week watching the orangutan diaries on bbc, I really feel absolutely disgusted that over 10 million acres of forest have SO FAR been destroyed for Palm Oil Plantations. We have a right to know just who the owners and supporters of the palm oil industries are , then we can all make our own descisions to boycott theses people and their companies and products. FOR GODS SAKE STOP THIS INSANITY NOW.
How do we start this ball rolling???????How do you expose the people who are at the top of the palm oil industry?
It is more effective and thus productive if this problem is looked at from a holistic point of view not just an attempt to pigeon - hole it as a particular industry specific malaise.
When you find a solution to the present distortion in the world economic system between the system of production and the inequality in its eventual distribution, then you would have found the way out.
The present system is driven by greed for profit which must be met by the unholy exploitation and excessive use of both the human and material resources including the plunder of the forests, available within the society.
There is therefore a link between these structures of exploitation and to address it therefore, we must address the process of distorted excessive consumption for the bye- products of these industry in some sections of the globe which in turn drives demand for and then the on - going plunder.
The chain, must be identified which I know is very long, and then severed but what I ask, given the picture we have seen, is it possible to destroy it without causing a major socio-political upheaval?
Thanks and I wish you good luck in your quest.How do you expose the people who are at the top of the palm oil industry?
Best thing we can do is to stop buying produce that contain
palm oil.some fish and chip shops use palm oil,ask before
you order.
This came about in response to the the biofuels bandwagon so you can blame the petroleum hating evironmentalists. I would start with Al Gore.
Was thinking the same after seeing the prog and have just been looking at the WWF site(nope it's not wrestling they lost that one) but maybe people power can win this one!(hopefully)
Palm oil is not especially good as a cooking oil so encourage every body to stop using it .
Will be watching this one there must be something we can do.It is breaking my heart to see all these things exposed on telly and not be able to physically do anything,why not at the end of the programs do they not let us know how to help and we will.Why have to ask these questions on the web,it should be more accessible .
I wasn't aware that palm oil was ever used in cooking.
I believe it's prime use is in making soaps.
By reading their palm (oils). Ha Ha Ha
dont't vote for leaders,who's campaigns are being fiananced by these(IWANT MONEY BEFORE EARTH) ';hate the world we live on';people,just give it to us greedy one's.
';those of us ';who want equality will be thrashed by the greed mongers,until we take a point of EARTH VIEW.
The people at the discussion forums on these two sites seem very knowledgeable and would probably gladly have a go at answering your question, they seem able to dig up loads of information. I tend to only follow the 'News reports' but palm oil keeps appearing and every report seems dead set against it, so a bit of searching and poking around on the site may reveal some answers especially company names and products/uses.
(http://www.theoildrum.com/node/2214) - This looks a good starting point, explains the EU's stance and mentions a few company's.
nPower considered using palm oil for power stations, I never realised it was such a sought after fuel, I always assumed it was going to be used as a bio deisel. This is pretty tragic, destroying animals habitats so we can continue living our energy intensive lives.
Ruthless bastards. it's always about profit!
i've been watching the orangutan diaries too....fantastic series.
you could start a petition or a website.
Stop a country from developing their natural resources?
Who are we to tell them how to live?
new religion with the Goreacal as the high mucky muck.albinism
How do we start this ball rolling???????How do you expose the people who are at the top of the palm oil industry?
It is more effective and thus productive if this problem is looked at from a holistic point of view not just an attempt to pigeon - hole it as a particular industry specific malaise.
When you find a solution to the present distortion in the world economic system between the system of production and the inequality in its eventual distribution, then you would have found the way out.
The present system is driven by greed for profit which must be met by the unholy exploitation and excessive use of both the human and material resources including the plunder of the forests, available within the society.
There is therefore a link between these structures of exploitation and to address it therefore, we must address the process of distorted excessive consumption for the bye- products of these industry in some sections of the globe which in turn drives demand for and then the on - going plunder.
The chain, must be identified which I know is very long, and then severed but what I ask, given the picture we have seen, is it possible to destroy it without causing a major socio-political upheaval?
Thanks and I wish you good luck in your quest.How do you expose the people who are at the top of the palm oil industry?
Best thing we can do is to stop buying produce that contain
palm oil.some fish and chip shops use palm oil,ask before
you order.
This came about in response to the the biofuels bandwagon so you can blame the petroleum hating evironmentalists. I would start with Al Gore.
Was thinking the same after seeing the prog and have just been looking at the WWF site(nope it's not wrestling they lost that one) but maybe people power can win this one!(hopefully)
Palm oil is not especially good as a cooking oil so encourage every body to stop using it .
Will be watching this one there must be something we can do.It is breaking my heart to see all these things exposed on telly and not be able to physically do anything,why not at the end of the programs do they not let us know how to help and we will.Why have to ask these questions on the web,it should be more accessible .
I wasn't aware that palm oil was ever used in cooking.
I believe it's prime use is in making soaps.
By reading their palm (oils). Ha Ha Ha
dont't vote for leaders,who's campaigns are being fiananced by these(IWANT MONEY BEFORE EARTH) ';hate the world we live on';people,just give it to us greedy one's.
';those of us ';who want equality will be thrashed by the greed mongers,until we take a point of EARTH VIEW.
The people at the discussion forums on these two sites seem very knowledgeable and would probably gladly have a go at answering your question, they seem able to dig up loads of information. I tend to only follow the 'News reports' but palm oil keeps appearing and every report seems dead set against it, so a bit of searching and poking around on the site may reveal some answers especially company names and products/uses.
(http://www.theoildrum.com/node/2214) - This looks a good starting point, explains the EU's stance and mentions a few company's.
nPower considered using palm oil for power stations, I never realised it was such a sought after fuel, I always assumed it was going to be used as a bio deisel. This is pretty tragic, destroying animals habitats so we can continue living our energy intensive lives.
Ruthless bastards. it's always about profit!
i've been watching the orangutan diaries too....fantastic series.
you could start a petition or a website.
Stop a country from developing their natural resources?
Who are we to tell them how to live?
new religion with the Goreacal as the high mucky muck.
How much as a percent of revenue are the high oil industry profit in the news?
If 10-15% profits are not excessive, as most businesses usually earn to be considered a safe and good investment, then maybe oil profit is not excedssive if that record profits in the news are 10-15% of the total revenue in the oil industry.How much as a percent of revenue are the high oil industry profit in the news?
5-8% is the normal profit for most companies. 15% is very high. Few companies make that much.
5-8% is the normal profit for most companies. 15% is very high. Few companies make that much.
How do you start a portition to stop the oil industry from price gouging ?
please help me and other americans to try and get the government to put a stop to the oil industry of hurting the common American family,buy making outragious profits on the American people's pocket book.How do you start a portition to stop the oil industry from price gouging ?
Your attentions and energy need to be directed at forcing Congress to address ALTERNATIVE ENERGY.
See, there is a finite amount of oil on this earth.
It will be GONE one day. Really.
So....................the SMART thing to do is to go ahead and start preparing for that evenuality NOW.
You don't wait till you're sitting on the john before you realize you're out of toilet paper, do you?
The ';high'; has prices are not really the issue.How do you start a portition to stop the oil industry from price gouging ?
Your attentions and energy need to be directed at forcing Congress to address ALTERNATIVE ENERGY.
See, there is a finite amount of oil on this earth.
It will be GONE one day. Really.
So....................the SMART thing to do is to go ahead and start preparing for that evenuality NOW.
You don't wait till you're sitting on the john before you realize you're out of toilet paper, do you?
The ';high'; has prices are not really the issue.How do you start a portition to stop the oil industry from price gouging ?
Who are the 22 Governors that are demanding an inquiry on the oil industry?
I heard a news story that there are 22 US Governors that are demanding an inquiry about the Oil industry and the rising gasoline hikes, but I cannot find out which governors are doing so. Anyone know? I can't seem to find the story on Yahoo News.Who are the 22 Governors that are demanding an inquiry on the oil industry?
Don't know their names, but there should be 50 of them. Everyone should be outraged.Who are the 22 Governors that are demanding an inquiry on the oil industry?
Give up looking on Yahoo for such info! Yahoo is part of the problem rather than the solution! Maybe someone should create a new site called Solutions rather than answers!
Don't know their names, but there should be 50 of them. Everyone should be outraged.Who are the 22 Governors that are demanding an inquiry on the oil industry?
Give up looking on Yahoo for such info! Yahoo is part of the problem rather than the solution! Maybe someone should create a new site called Solutions rather than answers!
How do i get a start in the oil industry?
I'm wanting a job offshore ,but don't know where to start? ,i live 30 miles from Aberdeen ,which is a good loacation for it ,i havn 't got my survival ticket %26amp; also i don't have much engineering experience .I'm a big lad %26amp; like work ,%26amp; the lifestyle %26amp; money would bhe perfect for me .Please help ,thanksHow do i get a start in the oil industry?
contact one of the oil copmpanies for information then you will have the facts
contact one of the oil copmpanies for information then you will have the facts
How long does the oil industry have?
With new eco-friendly hippie-mobiles like the Yaris or any other hybrid car, the oil industry will one day be obsolete. Hw long do you think this will take?How long does the oil industry have?
It has more to do with supply.
At current consumption rates, we will need a new form of energy by somewhere near the year 2100.How long does the oil industry have?
Oil is discovered every year, in spite of the cry oil is drying up, and soon will be no longer. While it is true the oil can never be replenished, it won't happen in your, lifetime, or your sons, or his sons, or his sons.
It has more to do with supply.
At current consumption rates, we will need a new form of energy by somewhere near the year 2100.How long does the oil industry have?
Oil is discovered every year, in spite of the cry oil is drying up, and soon will be no longer. While it is true the oil can never be replenished, it won't happen in your, lifetime, or your sons, or his sons, or his sons.
Looking for an entry level position in to the gas and oil industry?
I'm a young college student looking for an entry level position in to the gas and oil industry. I have no experience. I just got out of the military, have been in school for a little under two years and would like to work in the oil industry. Only problem is, I have no idea who to contact, where to go, and when I try to apply online, the websites try to charge me ridiculous prices!Looking for an entry level position in to the gas and oil industry?
Try rigzone.comLooking for an entry level position in to the gas and oil industry?
Try working at a service station.albinism
Try rigzone.comLooking for an entry level position in to the gas and oil industry?
Try working at a service station.
What are the terminologies used in instrumentation and control in the oil industry?
Would love to know all the technical terms used in instrumentation and control as it applies to the oil industryWhat are the terminologies used in instrumentation and control in the oil industry?
It is no different from any other industry that uses automatic control. They follow ISA standards and practices.What are the terminologies used in instrumentation and control in the oil industry?
Depends on what instrumentation and control you're talking about.
The main instrumentations are control valves like for temperature, pressure, flow, analyzers with the short form being TCV,PCV,FCV and ACV respectively.
You also have isolation valves for tight open and close.
Car seal open and close valves, which are locked open or closed.
Other instrumentation would include pressure gauges, temperature transmitters, orifice plates and so forth
i work at an oil company ..
all we ever do is measure the pressure ..
so that would be PSI
and velocity too which is in ft/sec
also we have viscosity which is Reynolds number
that all for us ..
but every company is different
It is no different from any other industry that uses automatic control. They follow ISA standards and practices.What are the terminologies used in instrumentation and control in the oil industry?
Depends on what instrumentation and control you're talking about.
The main instrumentations are control valves like for temperature, pressure, flow, analyzers with the short form being TCV,PCV,FCV and ACV respectively.
You also have isolation valves for tight open and close.
Car seal open and close valves, which are locked open or closed.
Other instrumentation would include pressure gauges, temperature transmitters, orifice plates and so forth
i work at an oil company ..
all we ever do is measure the pressure ..
so that would be PSI
and velocity too which is in ft/sec
also we have viscosity which is Reynolds number
that all for us ..
but every company is different
Who else blames the oil industry for the death of Heath Ledger?
If the oil industry, (or any other, general, outside influences) ';caused'; Mr. Ledger's death, then we would ALL have committed suicide.
Since that, obviously, did not happen, I would have to place more of the ';blame'; on Heath Ledger's own weakness.
The price of gasoline can depress the hell out of me, but not enough to take my own, or, anyone else's life.Who else blames the oil industry for the death of Heath Ledger?
I guess the media didn't think of that one yet. Why don't you notify them and they will get on the case asap. The media and libs will blame everything on the oil industry, George Bush and the Republican party so, get on it and maybe you can get some coverage immediately.Who else blames the oil industry for the death of Heath Ledger?
Definately, Is that the name of the Doctor who prescribed all the prescriptions?
I thought he ';accidentaly (ha! joke) overdosed';, and his female lawyer friend waited until it was too late to dial 911.
Heath Ledger? I don't think so.
I blame the Oil industry for denying civilisation electric cars for so many years. They'd be really handy right now...
yes this is totally exxon mobil's fault for him overdosing...yes that just sounds totally right!!
(in case you can't tell im being sarcastic)
Why the oil industry..?
First I've heard..
I don't get it?
does anyone even know how he died?
I thought it was undecided or something?
Probably nobody other than you ? Funny question, was he depressed about the cost of fuel or something ?
I blame stupidity and drug addiction for the death of Heath Ledger.
Yea, because its well known he overdosed while drinking crude oil!
you're an idiot
No one. He took the tablets himself.
Err... no, he overdosed on tablets not oil...
Yes, why not.
He's dead already. Placing blame will not bring him back.
What does the oil industry have to do with it?
i blame the boogie
Since that, obviously, did not happen, I would have to place more of the ';blame'; on Heath Ledger's own weakness.
The price of gasoline can depress the hell out of me, but not enough to take my own, or, anyone else's life.Who else blames the oil industry for the death of Heath Ledger?
I guess the media didn't think of that one yet. Why don't you notify them and they will get on the case asap. The media and libs will blame everything on the oil industry, George Bush and the Republican party so, get on it and maybe you can get some coverage immediately.Who else blames the oil industry for the death of Heath Ledger?
Definately, Is that the name of the Doctor who prescribed all the prescriptions?
I thought he ';accidentaly (ha! joke) overdosed';, and his female lawyer friend waited until it was too late to dial 911.
Heath Ledger? I don't think so.
I blame the Oil industry for denying civilisation electric cars for so many years. They'd be really handy right now...
yes this is totally exxon mobil's fault for him overdosing...yes that just sounds totally right!!
(in case you can't tell im being sarcastic)
Why the oil industry..?
First I've heard..
I don't get it?
does anyone even know how he died?
I thought it was undecided or something?
Probably nobody other than you ? Funny question, was he depressed about the cost of fuel or something ?
I blame stupidity and drug addiction for the death of Heath Ledger.
Yea, because its well known he overdosed while drinking crude oil!
you're an idiot
No one. He took the tablets himself.
Err... no, he overdosed on tablets not oil...
Yes, why not.
He's dead already. Placing blame will not bring him back.
What does the oil industry have to do with it?
i blame the boogie
What is your opinion of Obama's attacks on the capital gains tax, the oil industry and foreign trade?
Good or bad for business? If he does win the nomination and attacks the Oil Companies and countries like China?What is your opinion of Obama's attacks on the capital gains tax, the oil industry and foreign trade?
It shows he does not understand business and is against free trade. He's pretty much a socialist.What is your opinion of Obama's attacks on the capital gains tax, the oil industry and foreign trade?
It makes good press but if he really wanted to help he would cut the taxes on gas and diesel. You don't hear that do you?
Wanting to increase the capital gains tax will cost him or whoever my vote. I'm the one doing the work and taking the risk and they just want to skim off the top. Another press play.
What candidated say and what they are likely to do are not the same. I am of the opinion that darn near anything, even Hillary, would be a big improvement over Bush. Unfortunately, it is not going to be a painless undertaking to correct all of the damage brough on by the Bush policies. For starters taxes will have to be raised--by a lot. Probably a $5.00 a gallon on oil tax would not be without reason. Might help eliminate some of the SUVs anyway.
Personally, I agree with him, but I do think it could harm his campaign. Just like the bickering going on between him and Clinton. I wish they would just stop so that the democratic party can be strong for the upcoming election!
Bad for main street and wall street. Attacking oil companies will end up hurting us, citizens...where do you think oil companies will pass on any windfall tax to?
It shows he does not understand business and is against free trade. He's pretty much a socialist.What is your opinion of Obama's attacks on the capital gains tax, the oil industry and foreign trade?
It makes good press but if he really wanted to help he would cut the taxes on gas and diesel. You don't hear that do you?
Wanting to increase the capital gains tax will cost him or whoever my vote. I'm the one doing the work and taking the risk and they just want to skim off the top. Another press play.
What candidated say and what they are likely to do are not the same. I am of the opinion that darn near anything, even Hillary, would be a big improvement over Bush. Unfortunately, it is not going to be a painless undertaking to correct all of the damage brough on by the Bush policies. For starters taxes will have to be raised--by a lot. Probably a $5.00 a gallon on oil tax would not be without reason. Might help eliminate some of the SUVs anyway.
Personally, I agree with him, but I do think it could harm his campaign. Just like the bickering going on between him and Clinton. I wish they would just stop so that the democratic party can be strong for the upcoming election!
Bad for main street and wall street. Attacking oil companies will end up hurting us, citizens...where do you think oil companies will pass on any windfall tax to?
How do I get an entry level job in the oil industry?
I've seen websites that ask me to pay money to look at the jobs available, but those seem like scams--is there another way?How do I get an entry level job in the oil industry?
You need to go to Rigzone.com and post a resume first and you need to know what you like to do. I work in Russia on an oil rig and there are also of different job out here like Mechanic, Electrician, Driller, and Electronic Tech witch is what I do. All three pay good at the top, but you have to work to get there.
You need to go to Rigzone.com and post a resume first and you need to know what you like to do. I work in Russia on an oil rig and there are also of different job out here like Mechanic, Electrician, Driller, and Electronic Tech witch is what I do. All three pay good at the top, but you have to work to get there.
Is it logical to expect the oil industry to seek competing fuel while making huge profits now?
is anyone interested to sink money into a product that will eliminate the original, very profitable product he/she is selling?
Why should the (monopolistic) oil-industry throw their huge profits into any industry that will destroy their current profits?Is it logical to expect the oil industry to seek competing fuel while making huge profits now?
For a couple reasons. First is marketing. They know their customers are concerned about alternative fuels and will respond positively if the company is investing in finding alternative solutions. Second is future profitability. Eventually, oil prices will get so high that consumers will do anything to avoid paying for fuel. Oil companies want to be there with an alternative to scoop up even more profits once that happens.albinism
Why should the (monopolistic) oil-industry throw their huge profits into any industry that will destroy their current profits?Is it logical to expect the oil industry to seek competing fuel while making huge profits now?
For a couple reasons. First is marketing. They know their customers are concerned about alternative fuels and will respond positively if the company is investing in finding alternative solutions. Second is future profitability. Eventually, oil prices will get so high that consumers will do anything to avoid paying for fuel. Oil companies want to be there with an alternative to scoop up even more profits once that happens.
How do I get a job in the oil industry with a BSc?
I have my BSc and a diploma in medical laboratory sciences. Theres not much oppurtunity where I live for a career in this, and I really want to stay where I am as I'm buying a house very soon here. Oil is getting big here on the east coast of canada. There are several companies here. Hebron has just signed on. I would be interested in getting a job with an oil company but don't have an engineering degree or geology background. Are there any jobs someone with my background would be suitable for? Thanks.How do I get a job in the oil industry with a BSc?
I would think there are jobs you can fill. Most companies have employment info on their websites.
I would think there are jobs you can fill. Most companies have employment info on their websites.
How is the in the gas and oil industry in Ireland?
My husband and I are considering relocating to Ireland from the States. My husband is in the gas and oil industry, primarily drilling rig operations. He really doesn't want to work offshore but will if that where the work is. Thanks for any information!How is the in the gas and oil industry in Ireland?
Sorry but I don't think there's any gas or oil in Ireland to drill for. He will be away for months at a time working offshore
Sorry but I don't think there's any gas or oil in Ireland to drill for. He will be away for months at a time working offshore
What does it mean to nationalize the oil industry?
In 1951, the Iranian Parliament passed a law that nationalized the oil industry. In other words, the Parliament _____.
A)made all employees of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AICO) Iranian citizens
B)sold the oil wells and refineries to the highest bidder
C)passed a law that made the oil wells and refineries the property of the Iranian government
D)No answer is correct.
I think the answer is D. Is that right?What does it mean to nationalize the oil industry?
I would say (C) is representative to what had happened.What does it mean to nationalize the oil industry?
C)passed a law that made the oil wells and refineries the property of the Iranian government
Nationalization means making it property of the government.
C, and in doing so completely destroyed it. Same has been true of every country that has nationalized an industry.
It's C.
A)made all employees of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AICO) Iranian citizens
B)sold the oil wells and refineries to the highest bidder
C)passed a law that made the oil wells and refineries the property of the Iranian government
D)No answer is correct.
I think the answer is D. Is that right?What does it mean to nationalize the oil industry?
I would say (C) is representative to what had happened.What does it mean to nationalize the oil industry?
C)passed a law that made the oil wells and refineries the property of the Iranian government
Nationalization means making it property of the government.
C, and in doing so completely destroyed it. Same has been true of every country that has nationalized an industry.
It's C.
Why is calculating viscosity important in the oil industry?
I've got a coursework to hand in and i think I'll get a better grade if I say how finding out the viscosity of oil help solve problems. There is a definite link. Can someone help?Why is calculating viscosity important in the oil industry?
Just knowing what I know about oil and gas law, the viscosity of oil is important because we have to use machines to drill and extract the oil from the ground. The thicker or more viscous the oil, the more friction is caused along the extraction pipes. This requires more power (read: $) to extract it.
Just knowing what I know about oil and gas law, the viscosity of oil is important because we have to use machines to drill and extract the oil from the ground. The thicker or more viscous the oil, the more friction is caused along the extraction pipes. This requires more power (read: $) to extract it.
What is going to hapen to the oil industry after the 2008 election?
Drilling is what im most interested in.What is going to hapen to the oil industry after the 2008 election?
Uh, you know it is the market that controls that,not government right?What is going to hapen to the oil industry after the 2008 election?
Nothing is going to happen. It's all going to stay the same, no matter who wins.
2 year is a lifetime in politics. No one can accurately predict who will be running for office in 2008. What they will or won't do after the election is pure speculation.
To the answer above: Actually, government regulations do control oil drilling in the US.
It will continue making money.Dems will never let them drill.Reps couldn't get it done anyway.It will be fun when Cuba starts drilling in waters the US won't.
If the Dems win , be ready to pay $5.00 a gallon , most of it tax .
Forget about drilling anywhere in the US , international waters or the artic .
How many times have we heard Kerry , Edwards , Kennedy , others propose new taxes on oil products ?
Nothing different. Oil companies know who to give money to when they are in power.
Uh, you know it is the market that controls that,not government right?What is going to hapen to the oil industry after the 2008 election?
Nothing is going to happen. It's all going to stay the same, no matter who wins.
2 year is a lifetime in politics. No one can accurately predict who will be running for office in 2008. What they will or won't do after the election is pure speculation.
To the answer above: Actually, government regulations do control oil drilling in the US.
It will continue making money.Dems will never let them drill.Reps couldn't get it done anyway.It will be fun when Cuba starts drilling in waters the US won't.
If the Dems win , be ready to pay $5.00 a gallon , most of it tax .
Forget about drilling anywhere in the US , international waters or the artic .
How many times have we heard Kerry , Edwards , Kennedy , others propose new taxes on oil products ?
Nothing different. Oil companies know who to give money to when they are in power.
How do I apply for an oil industry job in Alberta, Canada?
I am not Canadian, but graduate of petroleum and natural gas engineering from college. I have been working as health and safety engineer for 2 years.How do I apply for an oil industry job in Alberta, Canada?
You could try contacting Syncrude and Suncor. Actually, if you just google Oilfield Engineers/Alberta,Canada, several will come up. You could also pass your resumee along to Alberta Drilling Companies.albinism
You could try contacting Syncrude and Suncor. Actually, if you just google Oilfield Engineers/Alberta,Canada, several will come up. You could also pass your resumee along to Alberta Drilling Companies.
Cracking is used in the oil industry to break large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules?
Cracking involes a thermal decomposition reaction.
State what must be done to make a thermal decomposition take place?Cracking is used in the oil industry to break large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules?
Cracking requires catalystsCracking is used in the oil industry to break large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules?
Thermal decomposition is not the whole story. Industry also uses alumina and various other catalysts to break down the long chains of kerosene and diesel fuel range feedstocks into 8-10 carbon materials for gasoline
production. There is some carbon production in the process, but it is (theoretically) kept to a minimum.
There are two types of crackings,
1) Thermal cracking - just heat the large hydrocarbon to a certain temperature and it will break into smaller molecules. A higher temperature is needed.
2) Catalytic cracking - heat the large hydrocarbon together with a catalyst. A lower temperature is able to initiate the reaction. The common catalyst used is alumina.
Everything you ever wanted to know about
1. Refining
2. Cracking
State what must be done to make a thermal decomposition take place?Cracking is used in the oil industry to break large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules?
Cracking requires catalystsCracking is used in the oil industry to break large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules?
Thermal decomposition is not the whole story. Industry also uses alumina and various other catalysts to break down the long chains of kerosene and diesel fuel range feedstocks into 8-10 carbon materials for gasoline
production. There is some carbon production in the process, but it is (theoretically) kept to a minimum.
There are two types of crackings,
1) Thermal cracking - just heat the large hydrocarbon to a certain temperature and it will break into smaller molecules. A higher temperature is needed.
2) Catalytic cracking - heat the large hydrocarbon together with a catalyst. A lower temperature is able to initiate the reaction. The common catalyst used is alumina.
Everything you ever wanted to know about
1. Refining
2. Cracking
I want to work in oil industry in USA as Drilling Fluids Engineer. How to get it there?
I am a Drilling Fluids Engineer having 22 years of experience in oil/gas field. I would like to work in US and I want a sponsership for my employment. Any body can suggest a way?I want to work in oil industry in USA as Drilling Fluids Engineer. How to get it there?
you have to register to those sites:
and try all the major companies
good luck
you have to register to those sites:
and try all the major companies
good luck
What are the chances of the oil industry crashing in the near future?
Oil prices seem to be out of control and just seem to keep rising with no end in sight...similar to the stock market in the days before the depression. What are the chances of a crash in the oil industry in the near future?What are the chances of the oil industry crashing in the near future?
By a crash, do you mean dropping back to $80 a barrel? That is a distinct possibility, especially if suburbia turns in its gas guzzling SUVs for Toyota hybrids, which it does appear to be beginning to do.What are the chances of the oil industry crashing in the near future?
The chances are increasing every day for an 80s style crash as oil keeps going higher and higher, And if we go into recession and unemployment goes up, gas consumption will go down. The higher oil prices go the stronger foothold alternatives get as well. These high prices increase the potential price shocks from upsetting the true supply demand balance. The cure for high prices is high prices. Moderate prices would be much better for the oil industry.
Whats holding oil prices up is geopolitics and speculation. Very unstable foundations. Supply and demand have little to do with it. Worldwide oil demand is expected to grow 1.3 million barrels a day this year. China consumes about 7-8 million barrels of oil a day and produces about 60 percent of that themselves. The US consumes about 20 million barrels a day and produces about 40 percent of that domestically. India consumes about 3 million barrels a day and produces about 500k of that domestically
0% Your milkshake was delicious, by the way.
NO CHANCE IN HELL !!!So long as we have liberal idiots who will not approve offshore drilling in the Atlantic or close to shore in the Gulf of Mexico, or on federal lands in the West where there are proven reserves, when no new refineries are being built despite the increased demands, domestically and worldwide, prices will continue to rise. It is time to do more exploration in the US and rely on ourselves more than OPEC and CITGO. Now is also time for alternative energy not ethanol which takes a gallon of fuel to produce a gallon of ethanol.
Zero!!! India and China are consuming at a rate that will make the US consumption small change in no time.
By a crash, do you mean dropping back to $80 a barrel? That is a distinct possibility, especially if suburbia turns in its gas guzzling SUVs for Toyota hybrids, which it does appear to be beginning to do.What are the chances of the oil industry crashing in the near future?
The chances are increasing every day for an 80s style crash as oil keeps going higher and higher, And if we go into recession and unemployment goes up, gas consumption will go down. The higher oil prices go the stronger foothold alternatives get as well. These high prices increase the potential price shocks from upsetting the true supply demand balance. The cure for high prices is high prices. Moderate prices would be much better for the oil industry.
Whats holding oil prices up is geopolitics and speculation. Very unstable foundations. Supply and demand have little to do with it. Worldwide oil demand is expected to grow 1.3 million barrels a day this year. China consumes about 7-8 million barrels of oil a day and produces about 60 percent of that themselves. The US consumes about 20 million barrels a day and produces about 40 percent of that domestically. India consumes about 3 million barrels a day and produces about 500k of that domestically
0% Your milkshake was delicious, by the way.
NO CHANCE IN HELL !!!So long as we have liberal idiots who will not approve offshore drilling in the Atlantic or close to shore in the Gulf of Mexico, or on federal lands in the West where there are proven reserves, when no new refineries are being built despite the increased demands, domestically and worldwide, prices will continue to rise. It is time to do more exploration in the US and rely on ourselves more than OPEC and CITGO. Now is also time for alternative energy not ethanol which takes a gallon of fuel to produce a gallon of ethanol.
Zero!!! India and China are consuming at a rate that will make the US consumption small change in no time.
Why cannot we boycott the oil industry to make the oil price drop?
Gas prices are pretty much up in the air, Its taking every dime to make ends meet. Alot of people are facing foreclosure due to hi prices and low valued dollar. What is it going to take before the Stock market crumble like it did in 1929?Why cannot we boycott the oil industry to make the oil price drop?
oil is a necessity of our daily life, and therefore we cannot boycott the oil industry. we need oil to drive our car to work, to power up the electricity for home heating and lights, although we may reduce the use of it at great inconvenienceWhy cannot we boycott the oil industry to make the oil price drop?
Crude oil as well as gas prices are set to a great extent by supply and demand. Supply is limited and running out. Demand in increasing. It's not just the US that is causing the increase in demand. The developing countries such as India and China are increasing their demand by large percentages as their economies grow. We are, though, responsible for some of that. Our out-sourcing of jobs has been a big factor in the improvement of the economies of India and other countries. Our purchasing of products from China and Taiwan and other is also responsible for a lot of their growth. I understand that future speculators were responsible for much of the surge in crude prices but this speculation is based on increases in crude prices. This increase in pricing is a given unless other forms of energy are developed to a point that a significant reduction in demand is created. The development of other sources of energy will take time. In the meantime, crude prices increase. As long as our economy depends of oil for its operation, there's not a lot we can do to decrease demand. High prices in one way, and the most effect way, of reducing demand. A boycott would simply hurt us more than anyone else.
oil is a necessity of our daily life, and therefore we cannot boycott the oil industry. we need oil to drive our car to work, to power up the electricity for home heating and lights, although we may reduce the use of it at great inconvenienceWhy cannot we boycott the oil industry to make the oil price drop?
Crude oil as well as gas prices are set to a great extent by supply and demand. Supply is limited and running out. Demand in increasing. It's not just the US that is causing the increase in demand. The developing countries such as India and China are increasing their demand by large percentages as their economies grow. We are, though, responsible for some of that. Our out-sourcing of jobs has been a big factor in the improvement of the economies of India and other countries. Our purchasing of products from China and Taiwan and other is also responsible for a lot of their growth. I understand that future speculators were responsible for much of the surge in crude prices but this speculation is based on increases in crude prices. This increase in pricing is a given unless other forms of energy are developed to a point that a significant reduction in demand is created. The development of other sources of energy will take time. In the meantime, crude prices increase. As long as our economy depends of oil for its operation, there's not a lot we can do to decrease demand. High prices in one way, and the most effect way, of reducing demand. A boycott would simply hurt us more than anyone else.
Oil industry?
In the oil industy there is logging, cement, fracing. What exactly is pumping in the oil industry? Is it a separate deal, or is it part of one of the items listed above?Oil industry?
Pumping is either pumping oil from the oil well or pumping water into the oil well.
Pumping is either pumping oil from the oil well or pumping water into the oil well.
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