Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?

Are you using less gas now that prices are higher?What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?
We as Americans can do several things. First call your senators and representatives and have them stop accepting bribes from GM and other car manufacturers who would like the continued suppression of alternate technologies for energy production. Complain to GM and Ford and Chrysler about their subsidized gas programs. These programs prevent the consumer from ';feeling'; the high prices of gasoline and so they are inclined to continue to guzzle it.

Second, buy cars that are fuel efficient. As a rule of thumb, for every Hummer that we have on the streets here in America, we'll need another Humvee in the middle east protecting America's interests and maintaining America's addiction to foreign oil. The American citizens are tired of paying for a war based on the irresponsible use of unrenewable resources.

Third, walk or ride a for bike short distances. We Americans drive everywhere. If we cut down on the amount of small trips we made with our cars we would not only eliminate pollution and use less fuel, but I have no doubt we'd all be a little slimmer too. And that (preventative health) will also drive down the cost of healthcare.

These are just a few. There are many other ways we could cut down on the foreign oil dependency problem.What can Americans do about greed in the oil industry?
shoot get some guys get the oil from iraq and bring it over here to low gas prices!!
Unfortunately, we are now seeing the results of the ';Hubbert Peak';, which is defined as the point where the cheapest, most plentiful oil has already been extracted, and it becomes more and more expensive to get the same amount of energy. The U.S. passed this peak in the 1970's, and the world has passed this peak within the last 3 years.

This was inevitable: we have based a significant portion of our economic abilities on fossilized material that was formed before the dinosaurs came around. Objectively, it's not the smartest move.

That being said, there is still time to turn this thing around. The U.S. has one major asset that most countries don't: tons and tons of unused, fertile land. Were we to simply require that all cars be built with E-85 ethanol capabilities, and require that SUVs get the same gas mileage as cars, we would instantly be independent from middle east oil. Furthermore, we have the capability to integrate bio-diesel into our system, just not the political will to stand up to big oil.

Big Oil is making its money while it can; it's hard to blame them. They, more than anyone else, recognize the gravity of the situation: the cheap, easy oil is gone forever. What's left will be expensive to drill, extract, and refine.

The question that we the American people need to decide is: are we willing to let an economic crisis determine our future need, or do we want to get proactive and solve this problem now while gasoline is still relatively inexpensive?
Americans can stop buying SUV's that get 7 miles to the gallon. They can carpool more effectively, and they can also walk, ride bicycles, and use public transportation more.
First we do need to start using less oil products. Second get ready to invest in and use alternative sources. Third do not use the sources that are developed by the existing oil company's,don't give those that have abused the population, by letting them stay in control of us.
don't buy any. Walk take the Bus, train.






40mpg cars.

Using Sport Utility Vehicles for camping instead of commuting.
Stop buying their products. As long as they know people are willing to pay, they have no incentive to change their ways. Unfortunately, modern society is way dependant on said products, and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a bunch of uber-rich people to stop liking money.
They can stop driving. Gas in the U.K. is already of $5 per gallon and has been for a while. We americans are just so used to it being inexpensive and now that the prices are going up we feel as though we are being attacked. If we don't like high gas prices, we could ride our bikes or walk to places and stop buying it. That would send the message the we don't want to pay the high prices. Instead we are buying the same amount of gas and complaining to each other about the prices we've paid. This accomplishes nothing other than annoying some people.
We can stop pointing our fingers at others, learn basic economics, make changes in our personal lives, stop trying to force others to live the way you want them to and get on with life and stop blaming others for your own problems.
Stop buying oil-based products. Supply %26amp; demand, and all that. If you stop demanding, the prices will drop.

Oil companies jack up prices as they please for record profits why? Because they have a monopoly on transportation. People need cars and planes and trains to move, cars need gas to move, therefore, people need gas. Stop needing gas and you won't have this problem. Walk. Ride a bike. Drive a golf cart, whatever.
Nope, Im filling all the cars and the boat every chance I get. Im watching my portfolio perfrom great! Oil greed lmao You're an idiot, Its called profit
With all the Technology of the World at the command of USA.,only the will power is needed to change the systems to electricity or other sources.REDUCE THE DEPENDENCE ON OIL,make life style changes,adopt electric metros,magnetic levitation trains as in Japan,convert to electric furnaces.When will the nuclear knowledge come to the rescue of humanity.Make cars run on electricity,for hauls up to to 125km,otherwise use metros or levitation technique .the World is looking for solutions to the USA,

Greed is the biggest enemy of humanity forget it .Also the struggle for oil will lesson the burden on the Americans.Unite ALL YOU AMERICANS guide the world do not show a pathetic face,demand the changeover to electricity.
Why just ask about oil.....what about greed in all the other industries.....what about greed among those who refuse to work, yet want to live off the taxes of those who actually work?!? Then maybe there wouldn't need to be soooo much taxes on gas and the prices could actually come down.
Ride your bike. Which would also help with Americans being so over weight. ';Two birds killed with one stone.'; said somebody.
Stop using the car so much:

Plan your shopping trips better. Get everything you need now and in the near future. Shop on-line when you can.

Make your car more fuel efficient:

Make sure your car is well tuned. Get low resistance tires put on the car and keep them inflated properly.

Use a bicycle on short trips.

Prepare to vote out those ';Multinational interest group'; bought Republicans out of office, in November.

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